When you feel down, does enjoying something you like help you or does your state of mind prevent you from enjoying it?

In my case it is the latter. When I’m in an emotional slump everything I like doesn’t lift my mood. It’s only when I’m in, let’s say, a “neutral mood” that I can start to enjoy things.

(And yes, I know that’s a symptom of depression. I’m under medical treatment for that, don’t worry. I ask out of honest curiosity))
  • MyDarkestTimeline01@lemmy.ml
    2 days ago

    I’ve been there several times. Intend to lean that way, and yeah it’s a sign of depression. Everyone experiences it at some point, but if it’s lasting then yeah seek outside help. I also agree with @MrJamesGumb. When I’m down if I can build something or fix something it helps. Building a Gundam or Lego kit allows you to actively see that you’re making progress on something. And that little bit of “things are moving and improving” can help to pull me out of my slump.