This makes me think the idea my coworker and I had to start our own business would be really profitable. We both have experience with mold making. And sex toys are a huge industry. What is an underrepresented category we could make a market for? Fish.
Fuck-A-Fish we would call it. Fleshlite-esque fish to bang. All different kinds. Realistically modeled and painted. And we would have a whole line of products to use with them. Like Love Chum, a textured lubricant.
He’s just going to insert a cylinder into the fish. Note, the cylinder canNOT be cut. That’s why he wants no teeth.
quagmire, is that you?
Probably some kind of baleen whale. Really don’t want to stick your dick in that.
Haha! Derpy doo. Brain not present.
I don’t think the guy looking to buy a fish to fuck will care to much about the taxonomy.
TBF he might just want a pet without risk of finger loss.
Please do not the fish
gives new meaning to upscaling.
next question: how can I remove a cylinder from a fish
Fish might be choking
Ah, that legendary character
where is this from?
Code Geass. The text is supposedly from a bad fan translation.
“Supposedly” implies it could be legit.
I will now tell people code greass is that anime where someone does not want to fuck a fish.
Fuckin saved
The rumors about Troy McClure are true!
Hi, I’m Troy McClure!
Assuming a liberal definition of fish (I doubt this guy cares about scientific classifications), that would be a blue whale
Just like to point out, there is no scientific definition of fish. It doesn’t make sense from a evolutionary perspective (many types of fish are evolved from land animals and vice versa).
However if you categorize it as animals that with gills, you lose a bunch of animals typically considered fish like several species of amphibious fish, while including many animals not typically considered fish, like several frogs. Then there is of course lungfish with both lungs and gills, and fish with other breathing organs entirely.
Many biologist therefore argue that even whales should be considered fish despite being mammals, i don’t remember the exact reasoning though, but i think it’s related to evolution and the clade(s) they belong to.
Sorry for pulling the “um ashtuly” card, just a big autistic nerd.
Land animals are land fish. You can not evolve out of a clade, therefore all land creatures are cladistically a type of fish, as well as land animals that became water animals again.
I’m a fish, you’re a fish, we’re all fish. And worms!
If the subset of cladists that don’t think that’s true have a problem with it they should reconsider whether they actually like cladistics, because they’re rejecting evolution to deny it and embracing vibe based classification which kind of defeats the whole point.
But, of course, that’s the thing with clades, it’s all relative. Yes, we’re all fish/worms, but generally speaking when someone’s talking about fish vs whales you know they’re talking about those loser fish who never left the ocean vs the land chads who went back to the ocean solely to bully them because the distinction is useful.
Hell yeah! Fuck paraphyletic groups!
I would like to know where you could reasonably buy a blue whale. That would be amazing.
My god, it’s John McAfee!
Ah you came to the right place my friend! Shoot me a dm and we can negotiate a price.
We don’t offer delivery though, you’ll have to bring your own ship
Hey, that’s u/Striking_Analysis656!
Eww salmonella dick