What is a good build for the python mk2 while in a conflict zone? Im trying to grind combat rank (im halfway through Competent) and im okaaaaay at piloting. Ill get smoked by players, but i can do well against the AI most the time, though I have trouble managing pips.
The pm2 has a small distro and pp, limiting the builds hard. Pacifiers or fragments are very good though. Here’s several options
Python Mk2 PVE Builds
No Engi, Multis: https://s.orbis.zone/qEkV No Engi, Frags: https://s.orbis.zone/qGd0 Full Engi, Multis: https://s.orbis.zone/qEkX Full Engi, Frags: https://s.orbis.zone/qEt2 Full Engi, Pacis: https://s.orbis.zone/qEt4
I’ve enjoyed the Mamba for PvE combat. It’s speed makes it easy to run away from pirates and separate them from the group. It’s still a bit of a glass cannon though. Haven’t tried the Python mk1 or mk2 yet though.
@trslim Main thing I can tell you is add more thermal resistance than you might think. I’m not really into PvP so can’t help much, but I know one of their biggest tricks is to add thermal damage to their kinetic weapons to wipe out shields faster than you’d expect otherwise.
EDIT: Oh, and on that subject, there are piercing mods now, so adding a module reinforcement package might be a good idea.
Sorry, I should have made it clearer, I am primarily a PvE player, i dont really have any desire to get wiped over and over by FDLs. Wat i meant was, what are some good pve builds? Im still rockin gimbal beam lasers and frag cannons.
@trslim Beam lasers are excellent for tearing through shields. The only real improvement you could make there is making them fixed, but the python lacks the maneuverability to truly pull that off, so gimbals would probably be the best balance.
Frag cannons have a lot of spread and a low range, so you could potentially switch them to something with a bit more precision. They have the benefit of being deadly at close range, but you first have to get and stay close. Even the multicannon has a high DPS in its own right (especially with mods) and can lay on constant fire. Perhaps the cannon might have a better balance for you though.
Personally I’m a big fan of the plasma accelerator and the railgun, but they are fixed only and very hard to aim without maneuverability.
@trslim Oh, one other thing that I am very fond of: a big shield charge rate boost. If you put lots of pips in system, a high charge boost can sometimes keep PvE enemies from even taking your shields down.
EDIT: Oh, btw, FDLs are among the list of ships plagued by canopies that like to pop if someone sneezes too hard. Bots don’t technically breath, but I think it still does have a negative consequence for the AI?
I do enjoy multicannons, they actually seem quite accurate. They just take a long time to spin up, and that delay really bugs me lol. Hmm. I might go back to them though.
@trslim They are one of the most versatile weapons in the game, especially with the engineering options, so yeah, a good way to go.