Hexbear comes here to be the debate bros they try so hard to dunk on. They are dying looking for just one little morsel of dunk. Not a good showing, not a leftist unity moment lmao
Meme has been ammended to not be racist. Sorry about not paying close enough attention to it. I’ve been having issues with my object storage and I’ve been trying to fix it. In the end I decided to rehost on imgur.
Just a hint: if you find yourself accidentally doing racism, maybe stop and consider if you’re doing the right thing.
Liberals would sooner censor out the surface level racism than consider if maybe the underlying message is racist.
What an impressive turn out. Looks like they’re all using the exact same “arguments” (a combination of manipulation techniques and logical fallicies) that they use every single time.
It’s worrying how much of a presence these people create in online discourse because they come out in full force, dominating and suppressing anyone or thing that challenges them. There is no healthy debate.
But i suppose it all makes perfect sense; these people glorify the state, single party rule and dictatorship. Their behavior is a logical result of these beliefs
Just going to say what I say every time this shit shows its ugly head: Anticommunism is always profascism. You are siding with nazis.
EDIT: when the place starts getting infested with nazis you have nobody to blame but yourself for effectively inviting them over.
Just because you seem to say it often doesn’t make it less stupid
I’m not anticommunism ya dolt.
You are when you do that.
Anarchists have criticized Marxists from the left since the time of Bakunin.
Cool, continue to do so in ways that don’t align with nazis.
Anarchists saying we don’t trust tankies because they have a history of killing us when they’re in power is aligning with Nazis now?
Just a thought, maybe it’s because you all start acting like nazis the instant the government turns socialist? Maybe consider not doing that??
Ye, that totally fills me with confidence about MLs now…
So we dont trust authoritarian communists/socialists. How does this influence our praxis?
It doesn’t really. Just keep doing anarchist things and don’t allow ML entry-ism and agitate for direct action moves instead of top down decision making.
What exactly is a tankie?
an idiot.
Thanks for nothing, seeing as that comment fits you into your own definition.
What’s a Tankie?
EDIT: The range of definitions below is interesting
A liberal who waves a red flag and pretends they aren’t liberal. Often they call everyone else (including us) liberal. 😂 😉
A white kid from North America who simps for Russia and China despite never having set foot in either
Tankies are not at all a uniquely US phenomenon
When it describes 95% of the ones I’ve come into contact with, that’s what I’ll describe them as
To give a nore detailed answer… Tankies are “lefties” who have failed to realize one or two extremely important facts about the world:
“Strong men” are not a good thing. No matter your political opinion, using force to get it is literally incompatible with many leftist teachings. The very act of violent rebellion requires the use of force that many believe a government shoudn’t have. Thusly, any violent revolution stands a STRONG chance of being shunned by those who do not want a government with sanctioned violence. Getting a “leftist” government through basic violence WILL result in a fascist government. Always.
Strong men cannot be allowed unjust power no matter how just they are. They cannot be allowed power because despite how cliche the expression, “power corrupts”, it is wholly true. It doesn’t matter how good a particular ruler is. If the levers of power exist, someone WILL pull them very bad directions.
Basically… Tankies are leftists who have not or cannot think through how authority is actually bad to allow to exist in any unchecked form. They think a ruler who does good things is good, when most leftists SHOULD be answering they don’t want any ruler.
The horseshoe theory exists because of tankies and extremists. If you want leftist policy but want to achieve it through uncouth means, that’s definitionally authoritarian in nature for many answers, and authoritarian answers should be antithetical to the left. Even forcing a utopia still creates a coercive government.
Thusly, any violent revolution stands a STRONG chance of being shunned by those who do not want a government with sanctioned violence.
I disagree with this part. Violent revolution—violent opposition to our oppression—is absolutely necessary. However, turning it on ourselves—that is, in any direction other than that which opposes authority—is a recipe for disaster as you say.
It’s not violence itself that is the problem. There are literally always forms of violence sanctioned by every single political philosophy (including absolute pacifism/non-violence, which sanctions violence performed by the state even if its subscribers often don’t realize this). The question is how and when that violence is performed and by whom, and the anarchist/non-authoritarian answer is that it must only be in the struggle for liberation, not the fight to gain and maintain power over others.
‘Tankies’ (for the lack of a better word) have been against communism throughout history. It’s disingenuous to assume they could be capable of unity
Just call em authoritarians. That’s what they are
Just wanted to come in and say good job op, you managed to make a very entertaining thread. Big ups
This will stand as a great monument to Hexbear