I noticed it was the anniversary of the Iraq War (march 20) So i decided to post this in remembrance of all dead. I’m not sure to mark as NSFW or not, or if this post belongs. I will understand removal
The war crimes by the US in Iraq are unconscionable
At least they’re paying for them now, in a way
The people who prepetuated these crimes are in no way suffering. They’re high on the hog at the moment.
Its so fucking horrible how Iraq got destroyed BECAUSE OF A LIE and the politicians and war criminals involved got off Scot free.
They’ve still yet to see a penny from the US as reparations. And of course, there is no international support. Don’t forget the UK, Australia and Poland too (countless others on the war on terror in general, too)
Al ghuraib, Haditha massacre, the countless other killings of civilians… Its senseless and brutal. But to the west, Arabs aren’t human enough for empathy I guess. (Unless they have oil, like the sauds)
I’ll check blowback later,.thank you for the link.
Blowback is done by campist cretins, fair warning.
Proof? Name a single thing about the Iraq War they got wrong. You can’t because you’ve never listened to it and are just making shit up.
I’ll make it easy, here are the sources
Are you pro Iraq War or something?
Ah yes, wherein I said “They got the Iraq War wrong”.
Oh, no, wait, I noted they’re campist cretins, and you know this because we literally had this discussion before. Nice attempt at playing dumb, though.
Oh so you recognize they actually know what they’re talking about. What camp are they “campist cretins” to then? It’s laughable you think tweets are evidence and not like, their articles since they are both critically acclaimed journalists. The tweets don’t back up your claim either.
We’re in a thread about the casualties of the Iraq War and you’re trying to discredit the two journalists that have created the most accurate and complete telling about the Iraq War that actually recognizes the humanity of the Iraqi civilians bombed, tortured, and starved to death in some of the most inhumane ways imaginable by the US. Like, wtf.
That’s a pretty bizarre extrapolation from me recognizing that they’re campist cretins.
Second-campist. Do you not know what ‘campist’ means?
Yes. How hilarious it is that I think their own words are evidence of their positions. Ha ha.
So is Glenn fucking Greenwald, that doesn’t make him not a cretin.
Oh, right, apologism for atrocities is only bad when it’s US atrocities.
Have they considered not discrediting themselves by being genocide apologists for non-US atrocities, or is that too much ask?
They are not genocide apologists nor “second-campists”, you’re absolutely delusional. They have never supported Russian Imperialism, it’s pretty obvious to anyone who actually listens to Blowback. What exactly do you think there saying is apologia? You don’t show what Noah Kulwin is responding to, nor are his responses incorrect. Nor is Brendan James wrong about the American Method of the US State Department deflecting criticism about foreign policy.
Ah yes, when performative leftists sudden become “fiscal conservatives” once the issue of resisting genocide comes up.
Well, the issue of resisting Russian or Chinese genocide, at least.
THEN the dollar value of lives becomes extremely important to campist cretins, for some reason.
“The US created/fueled/escalated the Ukrainian War!”
Fucking bootlicker.