I’m Romanian and I recently came across the definition of bangmaid which fits me perfectly, so that’s how my username came to be.
I’m Romanian and I recently came across the definition of bangmaid which fits me perfectly, so that’s how my username came to be.
Were you bitten by a radioactive poop spider?
I get this all the time. It’s actually just a family name.
Or was he a poop spider bitten by a radioactive man
No, that would be Manpoopspider
Of course. The legendary half man, half poop, half spider cryptid.
Oh so he’s a spiderman bitten by a radioactive poop
I think you’ve figured it out
wait, so it’s not a Spiderman made completely of poop?
or from the poop universe where everything is poop?
Maybe! OC needs to deliver on their promise to make some shit up ASAP. Possibly quite literally.