This may or may not be inspired by the nebula original abolish everything, a show I have not watched.
Regional locks.
Why the fuck can’t I watch first 2 seasons and last 2 seasons of an anime on crunychroll sony? Why the fuck can’t I register your accounts to my country sony? Why the fuck can’t I buy your games on steam in my country sony? Why the fuck can’t I listen to your music on my streaming subscription, sony?
There is no reason for this shit to exist.
Is it by magical means? Then name calling, mostly to watch Trump deal with it.
Digital billboards. That degree of rapid pace advertising is toxic, also those fuckers are bright AF.
I would extent this to billboards in general. Its annoying and nonsensical to advertise private products in public spaces
No more internet gaming, all multiplayer gaming must be local, so that you can actually get your dumb ass up from the chair and punch (or be punched) by others, like our ancestors intended.
People saying “blog” when they mean post. You did not write a new blog on your blog, you wrote a new post on your blog.
You do not drive your car on the car. You drive your car on the road.
Do people still have blogs?
Totally. Whole businesses have sprung up for running and monetizing them. Check into Ghost, WordPress and WooCommerce, Memberful. Lots of other options.
The 9/10 extension on gasoline pricing.
When this fuel was 13¢ per gallon, sure some folks might want to compete with finer-grained pricing.
It’s time to drop that pretense
Anybody else owning cats. Then I can have all the cats. 🐱 🐈
The now ultra-common usage of “whenever”, when they actually mean “when”.
I can’t fucking stand it. But it’s everywhere now. I have no idea how it got so common but I’m surrounded by people who use it incorrectly.
I wonder if I’m using it incorrectly now.
We can go to the cinema whenever you like.
That is how I would use it. And I would use when like, when did you go to the cinema?
You’ve used it correctly! An incorrect usage would be:
“Whenever I go to the cinema, I get popcorn.”
I would use that too, so I decided to search it up and this is what I found.
When is used for a specific time or single occurrences.
Whenever is used for repeated events or entries with uncertain dates or times.
So your example seems like it should be whenever, as it’s not talking about a specific time but more every time they go.
You’re correct that it’s not grammatically wrong, but a subtle semantic mis-match. Let’s bring in the difference between “every time” and “whenever”. While “when” and “every time” are interchangeable, “whenever” and “every time” are not. “Every time” is exact and without fail, while “whenever” implies unpredictability or indifference to the exact location.
“When (strongly implied every time) I go to the theater (exact location), I get popcorn.”
“Every time (explicitly) I go to the theater (exact location), I get popcorn.”
“Whenever (unpredictable, indifferent) I go to the theater (exact location -mismatch with unpredictability) I get popcorn”
Does that make sense?
The ability for human beings to advance scientific knowledge further than it currently exists.
Something needs to protect the rest of the galaxy from us.
Ah, the Amish Philosophy.
Pick a time period and stick to it like it’s a moral virtue
LOL, the Amish Philosophy.
Nothing so crude. I simply think it’s better for the universe if we don’t propagate it, because we’re not a good enough example for other species to follow yet. It’s not about respecting “God’s” law so much as acknowledging humanity’s limitations. We’re a pathetic species, not ready for rulership over multiple planets, let alone multiple solar systems. My comment simply suggests I don’t have confidence we ever will be. This has nothing to do with the Amish belief that we’re better in a simplistic state; just that the universe is better without us in whatever state.
You include earth in that?
I guess I’m wondering if you’d agree things would be better if humans didn’t exist.
Largely, yeah. I think it would have been fine if we’d stayed in the Iron Age. Things started getting fucked up with the Industrial Revolution.
Did you know that that painting was the reserve of the rich before the industrial revolution and the invention of synthetic pigments?
Now we let toddlers play with paints at preschool.
Green bell peppers. I hate the way they taste. Had someone tell me they don’t taste like anything. Ok then why even bother if there’s no taste?
Green bell peppers have a distinct taste. They also mature into other colors of pepper so your request is denied.
it would be nice if the current president’s life were (humorously) abolished
Humorous or not, when that floating turd finally swirls down the hole, I’m buying a big-ass flag pole specifically so I can fly it at full mast.
This is one I can get behind.
Unless it was part of it, multiple levels of packaging.
Open up a bag of chips. It’s bag, then chips. Perfect world.
Open up a box of cookies from hell. Open up the box. Open up the freshness seal bag. Pull out the individually wrapped cookies, and open those too.
Straight to jail. No question.
Teenagers. Just ship 'em off somewhere between the ages of 13 and 18. Pouty, Self-entitled, disrespectful shits.
That is an incredebly cruel thing to say about developmentally challenged people.
Maybe they are like that because we already ship them off to indoctrination camps between ages 7-13.
Property taxes. Land value taxes are just better.