Once upon a time I read a statistic that said left-handed people were more successful than righties so I taught myself to write and do all sorts of things left-handed. I’m still a fuckin loser but at least now I’m ambidextrous, so take whatever lesson you want from that
The struggle for left-handed people like me is that you always meet tools made for right-handed people. So you have to use the right hand more like right-handed the left. This makes left-handed people more ambidextrous. Scissors are always in my right hand. As a kid I tried to learn writing with both hands at the same time, worst idea ever but it works a little bit.
Btw. Mental arithmetic is the endboss for left-handed. So don’t say left-handed are more successful.
Okay, I suppose in the future I’ll do better to check my privilege. But what does mental arithmetic have to do with handedness?
Idk, but I am left handed and very bad at mental arithmetic, so based on that anecdotal evidence it checks out I think
I’m left-handed and really good at it
Well that comtradicts my worldview so I am going to block you I think
That’s okay
Did you visit a school in the eastside of the world?
Nope, western Europe.