The virt-manager flatpak doesn’t work out of the box, you need to do some setup on the host. At that point you may as well use the deb of virt-manager.
I would use the native version. For something like this, it makes sense that it should have less restricted/sandboxed access to the underlying system.
Hmm, wouldn’t the virt manager just be a frontend and communicate with the virtd socket though?
Is there now a flatpak for virt-manager?
I recommend using a QEMU guest session with libvirt. This works in both versions.
The standard session requires root, and for some reason this means that VMs couls harm your system more or something
Guest sessions are usable within Flatpaks, GNOME boxes has a Flatpak too. Is the virt-manager flatpak from Flathub? Fedora had one before.
Pretty cool, on debian you may want to use that to get newer versions. Even though virt-manager is pretty slow in updates