They see like this all the time.

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 2nd, 2021

  • I think it’s easier to design maglevs to be more aerodynamic but also the lack of needing wheels at all is a big deal. Basically high speed rails are far more efficient at lower speeds but require far more energy at high speeds specifically because of the limitations of wheels and friction based propulsion.

    Maglevs are far less efficient at low speeds due to the energy requirements of the magnetic levitation, but at high speeds beat out the rails because they just glide over the tracks and are propelled by fucking magic and no moving parts.

    This is how I understand it. Deepseek told me. lol

  • Yeah honestly, all these “plans” will take so long to implement that by the time anything meaningful could have been done, China will already be far ahead of them. It’s just in general logistics of these things, China already has all the momentum. The US will have to not only build momentum, but try and stop China’s. Unless they intend to just do war and nuke everything I don’t see how they can compete. It obviously seems like they are now trying but I feel like it’s gonna be too late.

    I see it how I see their F35 program. “By the time they even get the thing ready, it’ll already be obsolete.”

  • Neverminded having 5 fully operable digits, which even humans really only need when playing musical instruments

    I’m sorry but wtf are you smoking? Lol. Almost all use of human tools needs 5 digits to work effectively. That why the most advanced prosthetic hands and arms are designed to mimic 5 digit hands. Sure there are disabled people that make due but the vast majority of tasks are so drastically easier with 5 functioning digits. Primarily because those tasks, tools, etc, were created with the use of 5 digits in mind. I’m sorry but this statement is absolutely ludicrous at its base foundation. It literally breaks my brain that someone would think this in any way. As someone who does woodworking, painting, cooking, and a bunch of other hobbies that involve manual use of your hands… I just can’t even. Lol. I can’t imagine doing 1/10th of what I do without thumbs and I don’t even play a musical instrument.

  • I truly do not think Americans will ever revolt in a way that overthrows capitalism. They will just descend into barbarism. The way I see it going is not much different than Nazi Germany but far less competently and they won’t have to hide the atrocities. This is the way I personally see it.

    The descent into fascism kicks up. The “conservatives” salivate and scream in joy as minorities of all walks get put into camps. Liberals feign outrage but also they laugh and scream at stories of “this Latino voted for Trump, now she’s sad because she being raped to death in a camp.” This shits all over reddit.

    Mixed into the fold will be true left leaning people and LGBTQ+. Only the liberals will change their tune. They will say “guess you should have voted for Biden harder. You deserve death for not supporting the blue genocider fascist.” While still laughing at the " leopards are my face" meme subreddit.

    This part I assume is a definite. The next bit is some unknowns but I feel most just turns into absolute barbarism.

    If the US collapses from within, I’ll be just fascist infighting and devil e to barbarism. The American populace is simply too far gone, too propagandized and stupid, to do a socialism. It’ll be every man for themselves. They will rip themselves apart because the only people that hates Americans more that people outside America, are other Americans. We HATE each other. They will never work together for a common good. The ones that would will be long dead in a mass grave. Those that are left will be the ones that cheered it on.

    If, on the other hand, the US goes to war, and the world fights back, nukes will probably fly. So it’ll probably be the end of human civilization. If by some miracle it’s not, I think the US will lose a major confrontation. This is actually the only hope of socialism taking hold, assuming China takes a major part in control of the broken nation. If they don’t and leave us to our own devices… It’ll just be more barbarism.

    There other options I can imagine besides these but realistically, I do not see many options that involve the US populace itself, implementing a better system.

    Sorry if this seems doomer, it I truly, truly do not believe the American populace will ever overthrow the current system with the intent of implementing a better one. Hate, bigotry, individualism, etc, is engrained into our existence.

  • Putin probably wishes they were the west. He’s not dumb enough to side with them now, I don’t think. Given I feel he’s learned thats never going to play out in his favor, but I also think that if he didn’t have to contend with another global capitalist power, he definitely wouldn’t be so buddy buddy with China and NK. It will be interesting so see what happens when the west falls. How will Russia react to being completely overshadowed by China? Will they start interfering with China’s work in building up “3rd world” countries? Will they start to attempt their own imperialism? A capitalist nation simply will not be able to compete with China. When the new world power comes about and it’s a socialist nation, more and more will follow suit. Assuming the world survived the next few decades, and China takes reigns as the global communist superpower, I feel the fall of the west will be like the world developing an immunity to the resurgence of global capitalism.

  • Couple of things I think defenders of this need to recognize. First being, 4 years doesn’t seem like a lot but within the first 20 years for your life it definitely is. If you are 15, 4 years age difference is 1/4th of your entire existence on this planet and the amount of mental and physical development that will happen in the next 4 years is drastic. Now if you are 24 and she/he is 20? Or 24 and 28? Etc? Not a very big deal because by 20 or so you have quite a bit more understanding of the world and yourself and 4 years is less and less of a fraction of your experience on earth. But 15? Nah. The younger you are the more drastic a few years difference is to your development and personal experience. Idk if I’d call a kiss like this, at this age range, should be considered definitive pedophilia, but I definitely don’t think it’s ok. Especially because that boy’s 200% hormones and his brain is basically lizard mode. He’s not thinking about anything but sex and definitely not capable of rational thought.

    I also want to clarify I really don’t think any comments on this post (Lemmygrad) are actively defending the act. One person seems to be debating if it’s an act of pedophilia or not. I’m not getting into that debate.
    I also want to point out…I mean,this is from reddit. Are we surprised?

  • So is the quality of the schooling different? Do public schools have better education overall? Is it so competitive because of the cheaper cost and better funding? Trying to understand how it all works. Kind of sounds like it’s pressuring lower income students to have to prove themselves to get the cheaper (cost wise) schooling whereas the more wealthy can pay their way through the private schooling sector. And that sounds like the west only instead of fighting to get a grant into a high end private school they are fighting to get into a cheaper costing public school. Which in the end, both cases sound like it’s about paying less for an education.

  • The literal answer is socialism. Stress for demands from school, work, etc are massively minimized when you know you will be safe if something happens. When you have people and community that wants your success as a person. That’s the kind of thing China works towards. Japan and SK have similarly stressful school expectations and stuff but the capitalist society isolates them. Imagine the stress of losing your job in a society where you have safety nets to helps you recover, vs one where it means your life may be over? Same with school. Schools in China may be competitive but they actively want people to succeed and provide for your needs for schooling much more than the other two. Where school is also a competition but there is no real active push by your community to help you succeed. If you fall behind it’s more ridicule than wanting to help you.

  • Apart and you have two competing car manufacturers that are both having to scale down and are hurting more financially. Together you may essentially destroy one but you make the other stronger, at least for a time. “Divided we fall” and all that. I see the failure of the deal as a win for China. Because instead of one stronger company to compete with, there’s two weaker ones that also have to compete with each other.