Also innocent until proven guilty, a lot of people seem to forget that one.
But if they internally report interest is up, but sales do not reflect it, then investors think they are cooking books somewhere and the valuation goes down due to lack of trust.
Trebuchets are just medieval siege artillery from the trebuch region of France, everything else are just sparkling catapults.
I couldn’t be friends with you on MySpace, im on SpaceBook now.
Last time they did a Goya ad on the resolute desk… I just dont know whats going on anymore…
IT work is feast or famine.
“IT people, your not doing anything, what the hell do we pay you for?”
“IT people, everything is on fire, what the hell do we pay you for?”
Looks like the CA Govinator race is going to be interesting this year.
(I do realize that Arnold doesn’t have the job anymore, but the title of Govinator is too good to not continue using)
We dont, but we will be watching for scabs that vote for it anyway.
When you stare into the void…
And the void bleb’s back.
Dear Spongebob,
Gone to get more giant papar.
P.S. Happy Lief Erikson Day.
Props for Koyaanisqatsi
I too like subjecting my neighbors to hours of Philip Glass albums.
I use Jerboa as my app and in its UI you select the 3 dots icon and select “Block”, it then prompts if you want to block the instance or user who made the post.
As for switching instances, not at this time. Its a feature thats been requested, but is complicated to implement (stay tuned). On that topic, as stated above, there is no vote total, so other than moving your saved posts there is no reason to be sentimental about your account. Just abandon it and make one on an instance with admins you agree with.
The point is that because there is no vote tally you just have to assume everyone is a normal person, there is no scarlet letter on your account by having -2500 votes, you, the readers have to put in the effort to judge someone (or determine if they are a bot). Except for your accounts home instance, there is no badge that says someone posts to hexbear or someplace that is a bit off.
Welcome to Lemmy, be sure to build your own subscription and block list. The updoots dont tally on your account (which I think is one of the healthiest changes), speak your mind, each comment stands on its own, and bad takes are not forever (Ive had my own fair share). If you dont like your mods, change instances or make your own.
Place your bets on muskrat chickening out.
Stewart is going to rip him a structurely superfluous behind.
Ive donated about a dozen times, mostly when its convienent like when they call our local donation bus out to where ever im working.
For the feeling, almost no effect. I mostly spend my time there cracking jokes about how this is a good way to lose weight, or how im only really there because I want a juice box and a cookie. Its more of an excuse to not have to be 100% mentally there for the rest of the work day.
As for the why, Ill sign up and donate when I can, but I dont seek it out. I know its important, but it is a donation, which because of the US insurance and medical industries will be sold to the person who needs it most. (Someone who knows more about this please correct me on it if that assumption is wrong).
I find this personally insulting and hate this mentality. If the company isnt footing the bill, ill keep current and progress my skills how ever I like. In my case, homelab, which while not paying someone for a fancy piece of paper, has usefull skills and real services.
Ahhhhh… People who think like this are why the Peter Principal exists…
Im agree, but my gripes stem from the timing of how and when they picked him up. Rolling a nat 1 on disquise in a golden arches hundreds of miles away with all the evidence makes me think one of two things. 1) he isnt the guy, the NYPD needed their pound of flesh and just made it all up or 2) they are sure its him, but are unwilling to explain to the press how they know because big brother shit.
In addition, with the mayor not shutting up about the investigation, that perp walk, and the media shrieking “oh no, he’s hot”, the is no way he is getting an unbiased jury in NYC. (I expect it to be the opposite, but thats the ACAB talking)