A lot of subreddits are banning/proposing to ban X links in response to Führer Elon’s wonderful gesture of love and tolerance. Should this instance follow suit?
Also, Instagram/Threads/Meta links. Same question.
Block them. If they have something interesting or important to say, just quote it. Don’t send them even more traffic and attention.
A quote is not a source. The news often misquotes people or takes words out of context.
A tweet should be screenshotted with the original link along with an alternate to xcancel.com.
If the tweet itself has a link or mentions something elsewhere, a link to that source should also be provided.
Sounds like a lot but anything less is misinformation, as far as I’m concerned. So much news and memes have been spread where the subject is taken out of context. Hours or days or years will go by before people come to discover the true meaning of something and by then the impression has already been made.
Agreed. At least send the link shared to Twitter then, if there’s any. A screenshot is better than nothing.
Yes. Just do it. We’re in consensus.
Yes please! I’d rather that platform be banned widely
Difficult question to answer.
- things happen on Twitter / Threads / Gab/ etc that are important/worth hearing about , or at least interesting, but
- I do not wish to send any traffic to these sites
- and definitely do not wish them making any money from my traffic
In the end I think we should not forbid or block, but be much more careful what we share from those sites. I also think it’s important - very important - to make any competing social media much more interesting to people wanting to be involved and kept up to date. How, I don’t know either but we shouldn’t be too strict on eg Bluesky, rather cooperate or something.
Is there a technicality for xcancel.com?
There should be a bot that converts the links like there is for youtube.
Yes and ban Meta too.
There’s always xcancel. Does that not solve most people’s concern?
It’s compatible with banning original links, and can break later
Yes. Ban it. No more traffic to big social media. If something is newsworthy there will be a blog post about it.
So easy to just screenshot or something there is no reason to link there.
Sources are important, along with screenshots. Images can be manufactured or manipulated. Posts can be edited.
It’s crazy that you’re getting downvoted. It seems, people WANT to be fed fake news as long as it aligns with their beliefs.
If you dont like X posts, you can not open X links. But dont make others unable to view it if they want
i respect your opinion, your right to have an opinion, glad you shared your opinion, glad to read opposing opinions, Glad your opinion was not suppressed or censored or shadow banned, that someone having purchased access doesn’t drown out your opinion, and others refrained from ganging up to suppress the opposing view.
Sometimes in echo chambers the opposing opinion turns out to be right.
This is not one of those cases. <-- my opinion position
But i really liked that you posted and the opposing opinion was given a fair access to eye balls
I said that if you dont agree with something, thats ok but dont take it away from other people. You said that same thing, but also that im wrong. Thats interesting
Clearly marked and qualified it as just my opinion
Will survive someone disagreeing with you.
I think it’s important to preserve the original source for verifiability.
Perhaps require the main link to be to a mirror or screenshot, but allow the original link in the body of the post.
Perhaps some automated conversion with a warning when posting that it does this?
Nuke it from orbit.
and the only regret, there isn’t a gravestone to visit to piss on.
huuuu yeah
bring on the fireworks and lets get the show on