They do all sound stupid.
As it’s a complete statement just say “I’m wondering if the monkey can see my ears.”
Because it is ‘the’ monkey, rather than ‘a’ monkey, it is implied that the monkey has already been referred to.
They do all sound stupid.
As it’s a complete statement just say “I’m wondering if the monkey can see my ears.”
Because it is ‘the’ monkey, rather than ‘a’ monkey, it is implied that the monkey has already been referred to.
If I were you I would definitely use Debian 12.
No, not legally anyway.
I downvote your upvote!
Ah so that’s what it was!
After installing Brave I was getting some kind of failed login popup in my GNOME desktop environment. Uninstalled it and the popup disappeared. It gave me the heeby jeebies about Brave.
This post needs to get to 666 upvotes and stay there.
And allegedly was the progenitor of the ‘healing’ and ‘content-aware’ tools that Adobe became so famous for, pas moins
You can tell Ryan Gosling is a good actor because he has perfected the act of acting like an actor who doesn’t need to act. In action films.
RFF was the best thing I’d discovered on the internet for as long as I can remember. I was gutted to hear about it stopping.
Bandwagon is in development, which is/will be a federated music platform which can integrate with internet radio. You can check out the first instance at
In the meantime I’ve been really enjoying the music on Mother Earth Radio, particularly their instrumental channel.
This really captures the vibe of Wales.