But the ascent is something I’ve literally heard mentioned by white owners. When they hired their first non-white employee they made a point of mentioning how easy he was to understand.
But the ascent is something I’ve literally heard mentioned by white owners. When they hired their first non-white employee they made a point of mentioning how easy he was to understand.
Women being assholes to men has become deeply ingrained in American culture.
Men dumb, women smart is something many men agree with while claiming to be alpha. It’s quite silly and has resulted in a form a toxicity that remains poorly defined but palpable once you’re aware of it…
I think we’ve been doing this capitalism thing all wrong. All these issues are because we forgot to do the sacrifices.
We should be taking the top .1% of capitalist and using them to perform routine blood sacrifice rituals to appease the capitalist gods.
We then use their capital to fund a festival that last until then funds run out.
Their purity of capitalism will surely appease the gods and end all these climate change issues we’ve been experience.
Why would immigrants be trusted source?
People have personal biases, good and bad. People have confirmation bias. It sounds like the immigrants biases have confirmed your biases.
Even if I were to ignore all of that, your experience is an anecdotal data point for me so my opinion that no government should be trust remains.
Given that I’m not attempting to replicate or advocate for any specific form of government this seems prudent.
For anyone still reading and is really bored, my personal belief is that the only path forward is an society that is governed by immutable mathematical agreements.
It’s hard to describe what I have in mind in a comment as there are many interacting pieces that together create a system that requires no government, no leaders, no fake money and no ambiguity.
Not at all.
Someone told you not to trust either. Presumable not the same person, presumable American government told you not to trust China but that begs then question who told you not to trust the American government.
Further the meme implies one should trust the Chinese government presumably because an untrustworthy source told you not to which is a mentally stunted view.
Not being trapped under the direct influence of the Chinese government, there are clearly many of reasons not to trust that government either.
There is no reason to trust any government. A basic understanding of history should make it clear that this is true of any government that has ever existed.
Being educated is a sufficient cause to distrust all governments.
Who told you not to trust anything the US said?
This is meme is for people who are incapable of forming their own thoughts but have been told they are, aka, tools of propaganda.
I’d say he’s already a foot over the line.
He’s backally saying, “We Americans don’t get it. He did nothing wrong because both sides are the same.”
Rather than remorse, he’s doubled down.
Not a meteorologist but my understanding of the climate there, is that it is desert or close to it because of the topology. Very very windy where it isn’t mountains.
And because I cannot try and know, this indicates it’s going in the wrong direction.
Except for the whole lack of water problem they’ve got.
So it’s like monopoly house rules which only serve to extend the time the game takes and then no one wants to play because it takes too long.
NPCs? Yikes.
Who actually plays it that wrong way, allowing stacking of +4 and instead of taking four and being skipped you place and +2 and the next person get six?
The rules are not ambiguous. This sounds like a silly “house rule” at best with clever marketing being more likely.
As opposed to you because you are not tribal and never make emotional decisions.
Reducing people like this is itself an emotional defense mechanism. We are fallible to the things you describe. All political bubbles have people who make this same exact claim about all the other bubbles.
There intelligence in recognizing this. Neither you nor I are in the one true bubble.
Authoritarianism as it approaches facism
No surprise. American companies are chasing fantasies of general intelligence rather than optimizing for today’s reality.