Yeah they’re not doing it for 4a, Google might offer you a voucher to replace your phone.
Yeah they’re not doing it for 4a, Google might offer you a voucher to replace your phone.
Exciting! Where are you going?
Yeah but you could also end up with 300,000 crushed people if you treat a crowd like this.
People need to be sharing info here and through other channels. Pictures, videos, links to organised groups.
Yeah you shouldn’t have to, none of us should have to face prejudice. But talking to someone could help you learn how to deal with difficult situations, or manage your emotional reaction when something bad happens (I’m not trying to invalidate how you feel, feeling rage is justified, but finding more productive outlets for anger can be really helpful, I’ve found this for myself personally), or they can just be someone you can vent all these thoughts to about wanting to burn them all to the ground. They could also help you consider other practical/logistical solutions to problems you’re facing.
Well that’s a really good starting place :) If you did want to try therapy, being able to go in saying “I have these issues and I need to learn how to cope them” then you’ve got something to work on.
It would be helpful to find a therapist who is a specialist in trans issues, and hopefully they can help you work through what you’re struggling with. They can help you reflect on why you feel a certain way, or why certain things make you feel uncomfortable or how to cope with everyday things you have to face from other people. Sorry if I’m making any assumptions about what you need, but hopefully you get the gist of what I’m saying.
But this is just for the 9a, the 9 has the superior chip. The “a” models have always been smaller and lower spec, and therefore cheaper.
I wouldn’t say it’s essential, more one option out of a whole bunch you could use to improve yourself (though we pay for many essential things like housing, water, food… Welcome to life as we know it).
Therapy isn’t going to “fix” anything. It’s a way of helping you reflect on yourself, see where your problems are, give you some perspective and start to see things differently. It can help you understand why you have certain behaviours and traits and work on unpicking them or unlearning them. But like I said, lots of other things can help you get there too, like meeting new people and having good chats, taking drugs that change your perspective, travelling, reading books. All of the above combined.
Therapy is one tool that can assist personal growth. You could also try reading into Stoicism or make friends you can talk to candidly or take some acid.
Who is most of the income you generate going to, if not a billionaire, or multi billionaires?
There aren’t many wild camping spots in the UK, especially in forests. Definitely no raccoons either haha. This area would be more for walking or picnicking.
If you’d explained things more articulately to begin with it would have saved you a lot of time!
Ok, you’re not dismissing cause and effect as a whole (i.e. You believe if I pushed a domino over and it fell, I caused it to fall) but don’t believe cause and effect necessarily applies when the effect is the result of a transaction. There are often circumstances where multiple causes result in an effect. e.g. I hadn’t been sleeping well, hadn’t been eating properly and caught a cold, with the effect of failing an exam.
You don’t understand why a country full of oppressed people enslaved to billionaires would empathise with citizens of another country experiencing similar oppression? Why not?
If you don’t want to engage in discourse, why even start a thread?
But ok, you think that events don’t happen because they’re instigated by something else. If I push a domino over, it falls. If I didn’t cause it, what do you think did?
Maybe expand on your point if you want some discussion, your statement doesn’t really make any sense.
Jfc people should be allowed to call dumb people dumb.
Innit 😂
I have the exact same problem. I’ve maxed out my hardrive and every week or so it complains that there’s no storage space and I’m like, I HAVEN’T DOWNLOADED OR INSTALLED ANYTHING IN MONTHS, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS YOU SHITTY OS! So I delete some stuff so it will continue to operate, maybe free up 1 or 2gb, and then a few weeks later it’s full again.
There also isn’t space to install Windows 11 😑 I only use it for DJing and I’m not sure you can run Rekordbox on Linux but I need to find out.
Yeah that’s bleak, although we do have factory farms here too. Perhaps it’s just the scale of it in the US.
Yeah I used to have one, I only replaced it when the battery started going. I loved that phone, it was solid yet so light! I have a 6a now which is great but so much heavier than the 4a.