Louis Pasteur is rolling over in his grave.
Louis Pasteur is rolling over in his grave.
Don’t you understand, an actual person (him) is experiencing consequences! He’s said all the right words and hated the correct kind of human, this should not be happening to him!
It is literally impossible to be 100% productive at work - even machines start to break down if they’re constantly being run at full capacity.
Shooting yourself in the head in a bunker speedrun GO!
Fascists value compliance and ideological fervor over competency, so naturally all fascist led faction experience a competency crisis sooner or later.May this happen more often.
“You have served your purpose peons, now go away while my buddies dismantle your country”
Misanthropy is an understandable sentiment, but succumbing to it robs you of the agency to make the world a better place.
Spoiler: She is also racist, but in a more subtle way.
I’m decrepit enough to remember pre-Google web, with competing search engines. Bring back webrings!
“The hammer is my penis”
Why are you friends with douchebags? I’m not trying to be snarky, I am genuinely interested
That’s the funny thing about popular uprisings - the people are passive, until they are not. A lot of dictators and tyrants thought the people they opressed were weak and malleable, only to get massacred, and their lifeless body paraded through the streets.
Systemic violence breeds resentment, and unless a few people at the top start pumping the brakes and reverse course, the floodgates will open, just has they have many times before in history.
Sometimes violence is the spark that brings systemic change. If there isn’t an implicit threat that misbehaviour of the ruling class might result in them being dragged out into the street and shot, then all politics become meaningless, and we might as well relocate ourselves to the slave paddock.
As the saying goes, money can’t buy you happiness but a lack of money can buy you a lot of misery. Enough money for a comfortable lifestyle, anything over that and we enter ego validation territory.