Considering that I ended up getting banished from my personal bubble, I’m betying that I would have ended up on the outside of that wall anyway, so yeah!
Considering that I ended up getting banished from my personal bubble, I’m betying that I would have ended up on the outside of that wall anyway, so yeah!
This article seems to be based around an assumption that the entire story of what is going on in Ukraine is obvious on its face. What is obvious is that the level of smoke and mirrors employed in this situation is on a generational scale. There are adults who were not alive to witness the last time we witnessed this level of obfuscation, control of the narrative, and use of the age old tactic of distraction
Besides all of that, this article seems to pick and choose its obvious points and disregard many others
All of that is to say that this is part of the overall effort, a position which is further supported by the fact that this article is printed by the esteemed simplicius. You know, that renowned author of insightful commentary that we all know so well
Steals Sarah Palin quote, installs fossil fuel ceo as head of environmental protection agency, rescinds government support for electric vehicle infrastructure that benefits everyone, then buys an electric vehicle, which he probably doesn’t even know how to drive. Such stable, so genius
Brotha, I recommend getting out of your bubble before it bursts. It is going to give you one heck of a headache when it does
Government handouts for me, but none for thee!
I mean, there HAS to be at least some semblance of sanity in this administration. That it is represented by the guy who has part of his brain eaten by a worm (?) is the crazy part!
Imagine thinking that a boycott was somehow illegal. How stupid can you be?
To bad it’s because of “plummeting sales numbers”. That is the effect of a cause that has been underway for much longer than the past 6 months. The effect of the last 6 months is, unfortunately, a blip at most
Ahhh, I miss the good old days when all people of middle eastern descent were terrorists, poles were all stupid, Mexicans were all lazy, blacks were less than human, etc Good times
For me, it was the massive uptick in bans that proved the manipulation was real
I mean, you DO understand that the current situation involves granularity like we have never witnessed before, algorithmic fuckery that we have been warned about, and the fact that access to Twitter data in controlled by the guy who initiated all of the fuckery involving twitter, right? What I’m saying is that your standard for evidence is not in touch with the current reality. Fortunately, this guy can’t seem to hide his intentions, so we really don’t need an in depth analysis. The only ones who would wish for the rest of us to demand such a thing in order to believe what we are seeing in front of our very eyes are the ones who would benefit from the truth being obscured… Oh. I think I understand now
“you will be the very last person I throw under the bus! No, really, John! I won’t come at you until I have absolutely no one else to blame for some of the shit I am about to try to pull off. Trust me, buddy!”
Did you notice the second part of my post?
If you want to know why Elon musk hates Wikipedia, go check out Diesen’s page
If it smells like Russian disinformation…
This song is ass
I’d just ask you to really consider which part of the new treatment you offer up, for any situation, as a starting point.
Quick question, have you ever REALLY thought about who wrote those letters to the Romans, etc.?
If the king don’t like it…