Would you curiosity win? Or would the fear of death win?
If you’ve watched Avatar, I’m talking about city like Ba Sing Se, but IRL.
I’d tell myself I’m going to do it, but chicken out.
Y’all should watch Silo.
All it takes is for leadership to slip up one time to start questioning everything else they told you. Like learning the tooth fairy doesn’t exist, casting doubt on the easter bunny and Santa Claus - except there’s incentives for belief. Would I go on with the charade while harbouring doubts? Escape entirely? Depends.
At the very least I’d carve a glory hole in the wall.
I thought you might have been thinking about Transformers One.
If everything I need is in the city, I wouldn’t leave. I would only leave if pushed to.
Like they’re gonna let me stay in the city.
This is the plot of The Village by M Night Shyamalan. Good movie.
It’s called New Jersey since those people can’t pump their own gas, they can’t venture into the rest of America haha.
I mean, they could. They would just have to take a bus lol
That’s funny
I think there are too many factors to account for to give a good answer.
But realistically: If the walled city was stable (relative to what I knowz I can only compare things to what I know and have experienced) and my life was alright or better then or course I would stay. If I had kids in that city I would probably stay.
If it was a shitty life inside those walls, of course I would find a way to stealthily leave.
As soon as I had the chance.
I have a real problem with authority and being told what I can and cannot do.
I would probably go to test it if at all possible, especially if there is a way to come back.
In real live I already immigrated 3 times to a different country and before I had kids I was even dreaming about going to Mars even if it would have been om a one way ticket.
I’d suspect there’s something I’m not being told but I wouldn’t be brave enough to find out
depends on how difficult it is to leave?
If you look at space.
We are on a walled sphere, and my entire life I’ve been told I can’t survive in space.
Would I visit space? Sure… but I can’t get there.
“walled sphere”…
Right, right…
Ice wall around the flat circle maybe… But I’ve been told I can’t find out anyway, too dangerous.
I’m not moving out of my Fallout Vault, unless Overseer approves or Water Chip fails.
We talking about Gaza or Pyongyang?
It’s not illegal to just jump off the earth into space, but we’ve been told it’s dangerous out there and we can’t breathe and it’s too cold blah blah blah
But I’m pretty happy down there so I don’t feel the need to meet with the Vortigaunts past the artificial black veil our government created to isolate us from the intergalactic gerontocracy