Would you curiosity win? Or would the fear of death win?
If you’ve watched Avatar, I’m talking about city like Ba Sing Se, but IRL.
I’d tell myself I’m going to do it, but chicken out.
Y’all should watch Silo.
It depends on the danger I was told about. If it was poisoned gas like Bad Boy Bubby then I don’t think so. If it was just there are dangerous or violent people out there then maybe.
If there were rumours that the outside world wasn’t actually dangerous that might have swayed me when I was younger but probably not now.
Absolutely. I was teaching English with Mormons in Kiev, UA in 2014 (as a volunteer, I am not Mormon). The nonprofit we were with stressed to us that we should absolutely, under no circumstance, go to Maidan (city center). This was when the revolution was just starting. Of course I went anyway.
At least when I was in Ukraine at that time, all the discord was contained within Maidan and the eastern regions. Life elsewhere went on as usual. I’m not sure if it is the same now. But it felt like going between two worlds.
City? Probably yes. Country? Probably no.
It really depends on the Size of the “cage” and what it has to “offer” to me. (how entertained I am, how well-off I am)
Personally? Probably not. Im not much of a rebel or confident enough to push a boundary like that
But we kinda have something like that irl.
If i remember right
The Amish think technology is evil but some leave and embrace the modern world despite that
OP go watch the movie The Village
Or pretty recent, The Silo. Its very good but it’s mostly* only on APPLE TV
- 🏴☠️
That you, Morgoth? Stop trying to trick me into revealing the location of Gondolin.
Is anyone actively trying to stop me from leaving? Is there any punishment for doing so?
Is the “dangerous” outside because of something invisible, like a plague? Or is the “dangerous” a nebulous claim of “nobody goes out there”
I think plenty of people would try it just to say they did, just like the real world.
Got “Freedom Cities” on the mind, eh?
It depends on how sus the people telling me that seemed. I would definitely question, but the desire to see what is on the outside would probably be inversely proportional to how content I was with life on the inside.
If I was like, “This place fucking sucks,” and they said, “TS, there’s nowhere else to go,” I might take my chances.
Considering that I ended up getting banished from my personal bubble, I’m betying that I would have ended up on the outside of that wall anyway, so yeah!
For sure. I’d volunteer to be the first person on Venus knowing it would be a death sentence.
At least you’d be remembered forever 🫡
I’ll never forget whoever that was!
It depends on a number of factors.
How thorough is the isolation/how “high” are the walls? Can I perceive the world outside the walls in any way?
How good is the propaganda?
Do I have anything to lose other than my life? Do I have a community I care about within the city? A family? Children?
Depends on if the colossal Titan and armored Titan breaks through the wall. And I become radicalized at the sight of my mother being eaten that forces me to bring about the downfall of all humanity.
(Knife goose meme) What are the walls made of? WHAT ARE THE WALLS MADE OF MOTHERFUCKER??
“I want to kill all titans!”
ended up trying to annihilate most of humanity
*80% of humanity