You just voluntered to be mulch for the spore beds.
You just voluntered to be mulch for the spore beds.
I mean the very simple answer they’ll have to any point you make is “it’s a lie told by <opposition> to get <what they want> unfairly and/or illegally.”
Which is why earnest discussion is so difficult. Neither side can really trust that the other side to use words that match intent. I, for sure, don’t trust anything a Right-leaning pundit says about their reasons for legislative positions.
No, the “Nobody” is meant to show that the following line is a conversation started apropos of nothing.
A lot of memes don’t need a starting context and aren’t in the form of a conversation, so the “Nobody” is pointless and betrays that there wasn’t much thought put in.
What does “the same but in reverse” mean? Are you talking to people that say we should be redlining white families or manufacturing laws and “wars on drugs” to disproportionately incarcerate white people?
I think after it’s born, it’s just a murder.
And, honestly, calling it “the experiment” is pretty rough.
Rein those U’s in when you’re talkin to me. I ain’t no princess.
Seems more like politicians were bribed lobbied to cut funding by car makers than they were counting coins and said we’d get more (as a government) if everyone just drove from home.
I very slowly zoomed in on the actual words in the post.
Started off processing “molecule” as “mole”, “solar system” as “galaxy”, and thinking “ha, don’t know if that’s true but it sounds both plausible and neat”.
The only concern is how much the cost of training the model changes if it got a significant kickstart from previous, very-expensive training. I was interested because it was said to be comparable for a fraction of the cost. "Open"AI can suck sand.