Use the tools God gave you
Use the tools God gave you
when the rich wage war it’s the poor who die
You needed to put that in the title so we know what you’re talking about
Finally some good onion
k lol
climate change will have killed us all long before that happens
Why doesn’t the OS install those for you
what material would a bladder need to be made out of… hrm hold pls
How many gallons would it have to be to achieve 2 full seconds
you got the title wrong
The elderly are more likely to be republicans.
It’s possible to stretch the truth on your resume so that you get the job, without deceiving anyone.
Can you write good code? Are you willing to do the job? Would the employer be happy with you? If yes, then it doesn’t really matter what the piece of paper says. You have to do whatever it takes to get the interview. I’ve offered to be a professional reference for strangers before. There’s no sense in a desk sitting empty when so many people are willing to do the work.
I can hear my family groaning in the next room
Thank you
What does sus mean
I don’t want it