I always imagine that there’s a LOT of electronic warfare going on invisibly. There’s so much signal jamming that real Integrated Air Defense just can’t work. Dumb, poorly targeted flak is the best they can do.
This is based on nothing. It’s just part of my suspension of disbelief.
This was exactly the explaination from the old Exoanded Universe/Legends in Star Wars. The most sophisticated piece of any fighter was their EWAR suite. Otherwise fighters would be wiped out from well beyond visual ramge by capital ships’ point defense systems, and it’s why they needed to get so close so their sensors could power through the jamming to get missile locks on other fighters.
Huh. Good to know. Thanks!
Also my head cannon for Battletech, and is explicitly the reason why Gundam fight so close.
I just watched dragon ball again. They have houses that fit into a capsule, but still call each other on a land line 💀
But if the landline is in the capsule, it still is technically a cell phone unless they attach it to the phone company’s lines, it’s just a cell phone that happens to be tethered to your house.
Maybe they realized being instantly reachable by anyone everywhere you go kinda sucks actually and cellphones fell by the wayside in favor of “retro” style tethered-to-capsule phones, and Akira Toryiama just never mentioned it?
They do call wirelessly, but pick up on a tethered phone at master Roshi’s
So no video calling, and they showed a picture of the time machine by faxing it over
Sure and I don’t see one damn pole or wire out to that pervert’s island, so while it is tethered to his house, consider that his capsule, it has to go wireless at some point. Maybe it’s a sat phone?
Maybe Roshi’s internet is too dogshit to stream? He is on a mound that barely qualifies as an island.
Old sci-fi also has computers with relais, like the computer clicking in Aliens when it’s thinking. People giving each other their iPad in Star Trek is still pretty amusing to me. Some books still describe punch cards and tapes in space ships. Hell, in Rebel Moon they were shoveling coal to power their space ship.
My suspension of disbelief says the PADDs are because of information security. They can afford for everyone to have 20 PADDs so they’re all coded to only have one document until wiped by the central computer or engineering
Things getting blown up below the horizon doesn’t make for good cinematography.
I don’t know, going on the juice to try to out run a nuke with PDCs blazing away is pretty cool.
The Expanse is just so fucking cool !
I loved the fact that they had to worry about things like PDCs, running out of ammo, “nuking” a planet just by throwing giant rocks at it, etc.
The Battle of Thoth Station is my all-time favorite space fight. (Amos hangin’ in there below decks was a bit unreal, but I can suspend disbelief for this one!)
One small detail that was lovely; they empty Rocinate’s atmosphere so hits don’t turn into fireballs.
EDIT: Watching again and realized the detective’s gun is a Chiappa Rhino. Guess you can’t improve on some things!
Not an educated gun aficionado, but I know a tiny bit. What caliber is that thing?
“Rhino” is a good name. It looks like it’s ready to kick your ass, weather you’re the one it’s aimed at, or the one holding it.
Edit: it’s a .357 Mag. Damn.
Star Wars has been some kind of retro futuristic aesthetic ever since the first movie cemented the look and feel. They go thousands of years without any meaningful technological progress.
Good it’s awesome lol
Yeah Star Trek does it more similar to OPs post. Orbital SD networks integrated into L2 stations that also act as ready 5 fleetyards and active patrol groups. Not even Core worlds in SW had rudimentary defenses to stop a slow ass artillery strike from a planet sized canon lmao. And that’s decades after the Trade Federation conducted a full invasion of the system where they could’ve thought “hmmm maybe we should put up some defenses around our capital world”.
One of the things i like about Star wars tech is its all like a million years old. They’ve had light speed travel and their galaxy fully charted and explored for many lifetimes
It’s like what happens if technology peaked. Coruscant has been a city sprawling a planet for literally 100,000 years
One of my favorite bits of the Star Wars EU was when it established that the Rakatans invented (or stole) repulsor technology and all modern improvements to the designs are literally just miniaturization.
The difference between a Rakatan repulsor vehicle and a “modern” repulsor is that they used large repulsors prone to failure and the modern versions are miniaturized arrays that can keep going if one coil fails, but it’s been that way for so long that the modern users literally forgot that you can just make a repulsor as big as you want, and the bigger it is the more power it can have.
I remember appreciating the old school feel of the cockpit screen in the x-wing in rogue one. They did not try to modernize that at all
It’s for the same reason a lot of horror movies and tv series take place before the invention of the cellphone.
Russian air defences always miss though (there are at least 3 images of them).
Nah, by all accounts, if manned by competent and motivated people, they work quite well. However, that is a big if in recent conflicts.