Ahhh I love staying up late lol
Broke out the hose to do a bit of watering for the aunt. Super nice little overgrown but not thing going on:
Complete privacy.
Doing well for a late 70 yr old.
A lot of the gardens here follow a similar format (lots of box hedges, bluestone paths and shit), but hers also has an element of chaos.
Hambam wasn’t a fan of the hose.
that’s lovely , a cool green haven 🥰
I see there are some tiger lilies in pots that haven’t bloomed yet and toms and basil , and maybe some tree dahlias?
it’s just so nice
Nice garden, I’m not a fan of those interrupted paths but.
interrupted paths but
Neither. Also not a fan of bluestone for paths… Ruined my day in the CBD more times than I can count.
I did not sleep well last night. Physically and mentally I am doing bad -_-
The zucchini look like they’re on their way out. The heat and the powdery mildew hit them hard. The cherry tomatoes are ripening in another wave but I don’t see my friend til later this week. Hopefully they don’t rot or get eaten by birds. Some are splitting. The parsley and baby spinach and carrots seem to be dying off after dryness and I might let them finish up to reuse the window boxes. I pulled up a large round carrot. The pumpkin plants are growing bigger but I see tiny spots of mildew starting and a few whiteflies.
Frankly I’ve been neglecting the garden a bit aside from playing catch up with water. I’m just struggling to keep pushing myself.
Can you pickle anything?
I don’t really have the energy and don’t trust myself to make something safe.
Plus it’s only the tomatoes producing anything at the moment. I got four zucchini from four plants total and there’s barely room for anything in the window boxes.
If I continue I will absolutely need bigger pots, manure and vigorous hybrids
Harvest what you can, put in fridge and that’s a WIN. Good job. 🙂
I thought putting tomatoes in the fridge made them flavourless?
Definitely not flavourless. It may reduce the flavour a little, but that recovers when you put them back out at room temperature. So you can store them in the fridge for longer life, and just pull out a few that are to be used in the near future to keep on the bench.
Most of the reason tomatoes can be flavourless is they have been bred to be easy to transport and for uniformity instead of taste, and are then picked before they are fully ripe. Being in the fridge is a much more minor factor.
Great, thanks! I’ll tell my friend to let them warm up.
They have been sprayed with organic fungicide and eco oil pesticide (black spot and whitefly) so does washing and patting dry affect longevity of storage and do the splits in the fruit trap chemicals? Is plain water enough?
Getting a bit paranoid about them being safe to consume
I generally wash before eating rather than before storing so that it won’t impact the longevity. I wouldn’t worry about the organic sprays, the eco-oil is just a mix of plant oils and is safe to eat the vegies with no withholding period. If the organic fungacide is the eco-fungicide brand it is just potassium bicarbonate, very similar to bicarb-soda and can be used in cooking in much the same way so is definitely safe to consume.
a day punching holes in masonry is reminding me why I am mounting twintrack everywhere in the fucking garage.
Unfortunately said twintrack needs to be mounted on said masonry.
Dog owners of the dt, I have a question. A friend of Mr P called in with their tan and white border collie rescue. She (the dog) was used for breeding at a puppy farm and she was scared of outside, had never been out for a run until this friend got her. Anyway, I got down to her level and patted her and she just sat there pushing her forehead (?) against my knee in steady constant pressure. She didn’t move for ages. It absolutely melted my heart, but what does this body language mean?
It can be a bunch of things but this sounds like affection and submissiveness as the dog knew it was in your space (place smelled like you).
Ah thanks for that. She was just so sweet 🥹
Hambam does this (same breed and colouring). Only for the first hour of me rocking up to look after it. I crouch down, he walks up and does the exact same thing for a few mins each time.
I’ve always put it down to something related to seperation anxiety, or just a weird greeting or both.
Poor doggo coming from a puppy farm though. That breed needs a shitload of attention or things can go south mentally.
I forced myself out even though I had already lost a couple hours and all up the driving probably took longer than the fieldwork. It’s okay. Every bit counts. I finished up the furthest section at least so no need to go all the way there again. Next round: finish the last undone area, then redo like 30 records with bad data. And then on some cloudy day I’ll have to go back to remeasure about 70 records in mm, not cm… and that’s that council area done. Got a whole stack more to do north side. Might be pushing it to finish it by the end of this month but I’ll do my best.
sounds interesting, tedious and stressful all at the same time
okely dokely, let’s see if I can get these lemmy accounts working 👍
patience, I need patience
one more try at reddit. no luck .
I’ve gotten up, got the dishwasher on, made a coffee for anyone that wanted one and snuck back to bed pending further requests lol.
Shocking job refilling the ice cube tray this morning. My ancestors would be ashamed.
My favourite trick is when someone has refilled it and a second unaware person grabs the icecube tray out 💦🤦🏼♀️
Those mozzie coils did work. Not a single bite even though I was wearing shorts.
Which ones did you use?
I successfully use the Mortein ones from Bunnings (and elsewhere).
D-allethrin - related to permethrin and in the pyrethoid class of insecticides. It’s derived from Chrysanthemum!
Dogs and humans have the ability to metabolise these (generally) so in small doses (such as coils and sprays) it’s only mildly toxic. Cats lack the enzyme to metabolise these, however, and it builds up in their systems causing neurotoxicity and can be fatal.
Sorry just an lil info dump 😂
They made me sneeze
Yup! That’s common in pyrethoids! Sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, and breathing difficulties are common symptoms of beings exposed. Better than being bit by fkn mozzies though!
It’s also the class of insecticides used in the automatic fly sprayers (the ones you put on the wall to spray at regular intervals), mosquito repellant clothing and in some dog flea treatments. I had to remove all of these from my home when Miss Meow moved in - which was a bit of a win for the person who took the half pack of flea & worm treatment I had left.
Went out for a b-day (mine!!) dinner to Kumo Izakaya today
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Been a hot minute since I’ve enjoyed a meal so much.
Everything we had, slapped. Slapped hard.
Only gripe, tempura didn’t have a mayo dip.
First world complaints right there.
Happy Birthday. 🥰🎂🍾💐
Kumo on Lygon st?
I should check it out.
Thank you and yes you should
It’s great and reasonably priced for what it is .
Not cheap, but not stupid either.
Happy birthday!
Did you end up getting the set menu?
Went a la carte and loved it all
Sorry for the photo dump. Google photos keeps sending me notifications.
Tiny bby
Is the left one the start of the shadow wall watching?
those are adorable 🥰
2 load of washing done. ‘lawns’ mowed (including leaf blower heh heh) sorry meanelevator. Garden watered. Sewing machine set up ready for some serious winter jarmie action. Maybe the time has come to attempt a pirate shirt (with thanks to Ms Banner).
there is a loud doof doof bday party across the lane tonight. It’s a good party, lots of laughing and dancing and flashing lights. 🙂
When I lived in Fitzroy I’d invite myself to parties like that. I found the trick was to find tenant, explain that I lived near by and ask if it was cool to hang around. Bringing my own booze, sparking a fat joint to share and being the bouncer at the local club that ran to 5am helped too. From about '03 to '13 I knew so many people in hospo, there was almost always people I knew already kicking it.
My Aldi had a full egg section this morning. I haven’t seen that in yonks. I was tempted to buy some just because they were there, but I refrained, I already have some.
That’s very sensible of you. I would’ve panic bought them.
Mine was wiped on Thursday. I shamefully bought some from Woolies today.