Hey that could be me in this image.
I’m getting up early tomorrow starting at a job where IF they give me 20 hours, it will be enough to pay the bills, just barely. So of course they are starting me with just 16 hours, on Saturday and Sunday. Only way to get more hours is to pick up shifts when someone calls off. At least I’ll have a bit of breathing room during the week to find another side-hustle, which will likely not even pay as much.
So yeah, I’m “grateful” for it. Albeit, about as grateful as I’d be for a kick in the nuts instead of a bullet in the head.
me checking my email to see if musk has fired me yet:
Joke’s on you, I’m a janitor at a high security facility working there when no one else is around at a time where if anyone in the world tried to reach me they’d be taken out by armed guards for tresspassing in a nuclear plant.
As an introvert they’re paying me to spend a few hours in Heaven cleaning.
I just got me a new job where we have a 90 minute paid nap from 1 pm to 2:30…
I have a really hard time complaining about it
You have got to tell us about your job after that tantalizing bit
Yes! Actually a home for adult people with development issues. (Sorry if I don’t know the correct English term).
But it is a home for people who need a pause in the middle of the day to handle the rest of it 👍👏
Also our shifts can be pretty long so it’s very fitting with a nap there!
- mattress tester?
- choloform tester?
- animal tranquilizer tester?
Carbon monoxide tester
The monkey paw curls.
Started a new job today. Been sitting In a conference room by myself for a remote orientation while the mic cuts in and out and I try not to die from blahhhh
someone is placing bets on your itchy nostrils.
I work for the state so we are off for spring break this week :)
Just had the last 3 weeks off, have to go back in tomorrow lol…
I had three weeks off over Christmas this year
Oh my god it was nice
Best of luck tomorrow, may “catching up on emails” be all the excuse you need to avoid being bothered.
Working during Ramadan is tiring. First week with all the students back.
One of the centrifuges let the magic smoke out so I get to lug that over to the equipment shop.
The daily after party makes up for it though
True, but I’m also trying to lose weight. First week is always extra and I did go a bit hard.
You and me both brother
Instructors and UTA be like:
I remember the first time I worked with human blood. In hematology class, we learned how to clean up blood. As we were loading up our capilairi tubes into the centrifuge, I noticed a drop of blood had been spilled.
Impressive, I thought. Good thing there’s enough time to clean that up, I thought. I go and grab the sds, alcohol and paper tower from the table closeby. I turn around to see people leaving.
Already spinning.
I learned that day, to never trust anything. Not the equipment, not myself, and especially not other students…
Ooof. How bad was the clean up after that?
Edit 2: working with human blood always sketched me out despite having proper training.
Edit: I briefly worked in a CLIA lab.
Don’t know. It was a droplet. My guess is that the centrifugal forces spread it out so much, that it was no longer visible. I could not find where. So I simply told the instructor and left it at that.
Dang this hit so hard todyay…
Why is gengar wearing a tie?
Because he’s very important.
Who are you? The Fashion Police??
Casual Friday isn’t for 4 more days
I hate how accurate this is for a job that I used to have.
It is indeed Monday, my dudes
Especially this Monday, which is the mondayest Monday because it got to you an hour earlier than you expected.
Not me, I slept through my alarm and got up at the time my body thinks is normal.
fuck capitalism and fuck mondays