I’ve loved this series ever since I got 0 on a whim in 2020. I was vaguely aware it existed, but in my ignorance thought it was some sort of GTA clone. It was a pleasant surprise to find out it was actually a JRPG with beat em up combat. I subsequently played though almost every game on PS4 (including both Judgements and Ishin, but excluding Gaiden). I love how the location of Kamurocho is in (almost) every game and changes over time as the years go by. I was skeptical of the switch to turn-based combat in 7, but they won me over by making Ichiban such a charming protagonist. I can’t help but love the hopelessly optimistic guy! Majima’s my favorite character and I’m eagerly awaiting Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii. As for my favorite, I’d have to say 0 because it was my first and it fleshed out Majima the most. The mini-sequel they added to his story in Kiwami 2 made it that much better.
It definitely is if anyone placed it on a high surface near a cat.