It has been ten years since Daniel Craig said he was done with 007 — and three since he died on screen. Jonathan Dean investigates how Bond HQ lost the plot
Ideas: Make Bond gay. Make him have sex with a Bond Boy. Keep the flirting between him and Moneypenny tho. Cast Idris Elba to play Bond. Go back to the super over-the-top bad guy plots where they want to give AIDS to the currency so people have to use their scrip or something. Don’t forget the Q gadgets; if you show them being given to Bond, he has to use them.
Reality is full of villains worse than anything bond had to face. Can’t make any movie that will be a good watch.
Tomorrow Never Dies kind of predicted or even spotlighted the overinflated ego driven psychopath’s like Murdoch. The rise of zuckerburg/musk was soon to follow in the same vein.
An example of art imitating life imitating art.
i think the world is ready for Zorro
So basically none of the parties with any power: Bezos, the Broccoli family, are desperate to make another Bond movie
You don’t HAVE to make another James Bond movie.
They’ll never get a better opportunity to end the series for good on a high note…so some C-suite exec will inevitably force them to pick it back up again.
I think a modern goofy Bond wouldn’t be timely and fine to make, although even now I’m not sure why that would be needed since we have Fast & Furious
They should have stopped before the abomination that was the entire Craig run.
Or hear me out we make a Jane Bond just to watch the conservatives go crazy.
The next movie starts out with a James Bond, but by the end of the flick they are Jane Bond. 🤯
This is what leads to ww3 in the stupidest timeline. So, ours.
Paywalled, archived version:
So weird, I don’t pay and I can read the whole thing. Thanks for sharing the link for others though!
Thank you 👍🏼