It’s easier for an admin or owner of a closed source computer system to stuff tens of thousands than it is to stuff one ballot.
In the uk, ballot boxes are watched by volunteers including school children.
The thing is, in the USA, the exit polls ( where people stand outside and ask how people voted) are significantly off in many states, causing most USA news to not use that in predicting national elections. That is significant in the multi hundred year history of the practice and democracies world wide.
It was a joke but thanks for the very detailed answer which I wholeheartedly agree with.
Closed source systems suck, they just allow for vulnerabilities to go unchecked. I’m a big proponent for open source solutions.
Otoh physical items with loads of people involved are indeed harder to tamper with. A viable electronic solution should imho still include those people and physical trails as a backup.
We need to write a new constitition. This time, we have to ban electionic voting.
You can’t hack paper.
stuffs ballot box
It’s easier for an admin or owner of a closed source computer system to stuff tens of thousands than it is to stuff one ballot.
In the uk, ballot boxes are watched by volunteers including school children.
The thing is, in the USA, the exit polls ( where people stand outside and ask how people voted) are significantly off in many states, causing most USA news to not use that in predicting national elections. That is significant in the multi hundred year history of the practice and democracies world wide.
It was a joke but thanks for the very detailed answer which I wholeheartedly agree with.
Closed source systems suck, they just allow for vulnerabilities to go unchecked. I’m a big proponent for open source solutions.
Otoh physical items with loads of people involved are indeed harder to tamper with. A viable electronic solution should imho still include those people and physical trails as a backup.
Never fully trust a treacherous computer :p