The IRS rules governing nonprofits still required the Mozilla Foundation to beg big to go big: the parent had to go find big grants from Soros, Ford, Knight, MacArthur, and give smaller grants to many. This put it in the lefties-only-no-righty-Irish-need-apply revolving-door personnel sector of NGOs and nonprofits (too many glowies there for me, too). Which meant I had a hostile MoFo over my head the minute I got CEO appointment from the MoCo board…
Of course I can’t comment on anything about my exit, for reasons that only the most loopy HN h8ers still can’t figure out.
Oh, it’s almost as if brave has always sucked.
What the fuck is it with the “Tech Friendly” companies going to shit?
That’s the thing. They always were shit, just with Trump’s War on Woke, they now feel like the money they’ve always spent on good will of the public, DEI programs, keeping a muzzle on the racist/misogynistic/bigoted person running the company isn’t really needed. Now all that “wasted” money can go where it belongs…into shareholder profits.
I like to say it has become fashionable not to hide it. Lol.
Yeah, that works too
can’t believe the homophobic crypto nut would also be a right wing loon
crypto, homophobia, fits in with conservatives they all believe in these types of scams. either they buy into crypto, or they are peddling it-themselves.
It’s always the ones you most expect
Somehow, I knew it was Eich man.
This spineless mouth breather just realised there’s a buck to be made by glazing other alt-right mouth breathers. At least he can finally be himself now. Thankfully, his product is just google chrome repackaged and thereby sucks major ass.
just realised
“Just”? No, he’s always been open about this, and that’s why his appointment as Mozilla CEO was so controversial in 2014, and why the board revolted and he ended up resigning 11 days into his tenure.
The whole origin story of Brave is steeped in right wing politics.
This whole thread is a Reddit-style two minutes’ hate session that gets pissy about the language of his post without addressing the content.
Eich is right to be wary of US Intelligence infiltration of the non-profit sector, and his characterization of the sector’s hiring preferences is probably accurate.
Also the image presented by the glowies concept is hilarious, and demonstrates again why the Right memes better than the Left.
Except the content of his post also blames the left, which is kind of fucking stupid when the government is undergoing a billionaire coup of the PayPal boys.
As a reminder, Eich was turfed from Mozilla for joining an anti-LGBT hate campaign (and thus alienating a whole lot of developers, sponsors, and users); and his So Brave browser pushed NFTs and stole money via referral fraud.
Oh, is that where the name Brave came from?
Brave is a peter thiel project.
If I’m reading their financial records correctly, the year he left Mozilla was the year he was paid the most, even though he didn’t stick around for most of it. So this retelling of history is, at best, incomplete…
Fascists lie.
Are you sure? You can’t just lie on the internet. Who would lie on the internet? Is it even possible to lie on the internet? I don’t think it is.
Ladies, I have a 12 inch penis and 34 million dollars. Call me.
Oh that queer hating fuck is still around?
For a non-native speaker of english this reads like a core dump. I have zero idea what this dude is even talking about.
I didn’t know that word.
glowie (plural glowies)
- (Internet slang, derogatory, far-right) A government agent or informant infiltrating an online political space, with the supposed intention of surveilling violent extremists or provoking entrapment.
It’s a bit worse than that, the term started with a slur attached
Glowie, also known as a Glown*****, is a slang term popular on 4chan’s /pol/ board used in reference to CIA or other governmental agents posing as ordinary 4chan users…
The originator of the term is the late Terry Davis, a paranoid schizophrenic and developer of TempleOS. He used to go on angry rants about “glow in the dark CIA niggers”, or glowies for short.
He was discovered by 4channers and harassed up until his death. His choice of language, and mental deterioration, were due to them in no small part
Regardless of the CEO, Brave is a great product. The crypto stuff is easy to turn off. Fantastic ad blocking, rarely any problems. What is the best alternative with great ad blocking?
Literally every other browser with uBlock Origin? I am still able to use it even on Chrome.
Not his first time having a public melty over woke themes. What is it about tech CEOs and advanced brain rot? Are they getting too high on their own products?
Are they getting too high on their own products?
Yes and they literally have turned the idea of Admin Rights into the Divine Right of Kings.
“I know how to be an admin, thus I should run the fucking world.”
When Cisco helped roll out The Great Firewall of China, they made great pains to explain that all they were actually doing was setting up the hardware and software to do what they were already designed to do. Computers and computer networks were never designed to be democratic in nature at all. Now that computers run the world, these jabronis think they deserve to be the Kings of it all.
Wow, ketamine is a hell of a drug.
brave is just chromium, i wonder when google wants to cut them off down the line.
Not shocked the fake coin browser has a right-wing CEO.
What is a “real coin”? Like a nickel? The little pieces of cheap metal with slavers on it?
Yes (Chad face)
The whole point of fake coins is to trade them for real coins.
Yeah, a lot of people say things like “a BloingCoin is worth €1000” or “1 PissBux is worth more than a barrel of oil” but, like, so what? I know how many apples I can buy with €1 (about two). How many apples can I buy with a BloingCoin or a PissBux? Or, for that matter, a barrel of oil?
Exactly this. People who buy crypto with Real Money only do so in the expectation that they’ll later be able to sell it for more Real Money. By design, it doesn’t represent labor, materials, services, anything of actual worth, it just sucks the value out of fiat currency like a parasite.
Can I pay my taxes, rent, and student loans in your currency? If not then it’s not real money
You know, currency you can actually buy things with.
Oh, BTC.
The origin story of Brave is entirely right-wing. He was forced out of Mozilla because of his public stances on political topics. It’s no secret that after being forced out for his politics, he went on to create a new browser company.
yeah brave always felt gross and i remember them doing shady crap for years.