IDK, reading this really solidified the idea that it actually is just Fallout: Britain. Gameplay is incredibly similar, and there appear to be a lot of instances of “Fallout has X, so this game has X too.” Kinda like “I will copy your homework but change it a bit so its not too suspicious.”
Also, a spelling mistake in literally the first sentence is not a good look for whoever the Editor is.
I wonder if the comparisons are just lazy journalism. Saying “it’s like that” has to be much less effort than properly summarising the content.
The comparison I’d reach for is STALKER tbh but I’m trying to let it be its own thing in my mind. Because mumbles I’m looking forward to trying it as I really like fallout…
I don’t disagree, but my problem is the ways in which it clearly isn’t Fallout. Specifically, FO has some deep lore that justifies the existence, mannerisms and internecine postures of the various factions, but here it’s apparently just… Waves of nutters take the first opportunity to move into a radiological quarantine zone and set up shop as conveniently thematic gangs for… reasons.
“Just think about it lads! Not only can we live in a place that’ll kill us on the cellular level, but we can wear theatrical facepaint - don’t ask where we’re getting a steady supply of that - like a 24/7 Kiss revival concert! It’ll be awesome! There’ll be matching top hats for everyone. Millinery is a real growth industry in here. Mind the mercury.”
But other than that, it looks fun enough.
Edit: Spelling.
Not only can we live in a place that’ll kill us on the cellular level, but we can wear theatrical facepaint
This no longer seems like a stretch.
IMO we really should try to look at these games as “new ones” and not put them into a Schublade (pigeonhole). Please correct my phrasing if I’m wrong.
It’s its own style, gameplay and story. Sure we can make comparisons but we shouldn’t expect them to be like the games we compare them with. As an example, Avowed was compared to Skyrim and people immediately jumped the train and accused it of being too linear, not big enough and not having much choices. Undeserved because it’s nothing like Skyrim, at least for me.
I hope Rebellion didn’t chase any trend and had its own ideas but we will see. And btw: never, NEVER preorder!
Uninspiring name though
Usually I’m all about games like this but for whatever reason it just looks uninspired. Maybe it’s all a little too goofy and bright and clean.
Outer Worlds had the same issue, the Borderlands “humour” and bright colors didn’t mix with the “Fallout in space” overall theme
What part of it did you find to be Borderlands humor and not Fallout humor?
I’d need to replay it (which I might this year) to point out specific parts, but I remember some dialogues/characters being a bit “childish”. I’m not talking “butt stallion” childish but different from the Fallout humour (and yes Fallout can be funny too)
I mean they could sell me this as a trailer for a Borderlands game :
Well said. It looks too clean/polished.