I haven’t played since before Wizards started pushing Commander, at that time called EDH. I felt the Standard Format was a perfect setup to keep the game fresh and innovative while still making money, and the Legacy Format was perfect for the people who had cards that are no longer in Standard. I think the Commander Format killed a perfect system, and Wizards/Hasbro are just trying everything to make money and keep the game mostly unplayable with the licensed tie-ins.
It’s also the sheer amount… They are getting new sets every two months… On top of things like secret lairs and everything… It’s just to much…
I’m 50. I was playing M:tG back in high school. Revised was the unlimited set out at the time. I thought they were overdoing the expansions back then.
Now it all seems remarkably silly to me with all the licensed stuff, and I’m glad I gave it up 30 years ago.
It was fun at the time but now it’s too exhausting to keep up with.
I haven’t played since before Wizards started pushing Commander, at that time called EDH.
So you haven’t played in two decades. Hard to take your opinion seriously. You can play for free with their app now.
Its so funny to see opinion posts that start with “I haven’t actually consumed this product yet/since the update that I have an opinion about”
My unpopular opinion is I don’t mind the tie ins (mostly). I remember being a kid and wanting all my favorite characters to have cards, so I’d feel bad yucking someone else’s yum just because I don’t care for a particular franchise. That being said I’m also a bit confused, op. Standards still exists. This feels like you’re saying “I don’t like Super Mario Advanced 3, because Mario Bros isn’t as good a game as Super Mario Bros 3.” Though if you said any of the following I’d agree: Wizards focuses too much on commander; changing standard rotation rules wasn’t the best idea; the last few standard sets have had somewhat ridiculous themes; using standard design space to print cards targeting commander players might muddy the standard card pool.
I get what you are saying about what I said with Standard. It is that Wizards focuses too much on Commander, and some of these tie-in could have awesome CCG on their own, like Fallout. I think Fallout could stand to have an awesome CCG that would sell pretty amazingly. Regarding Standard, yes the format still exists, but the way sets are released it feels like it’s only there for the old players like me.
The game has to evolve or die. There’s only so many 1 cost 1/1 mana dorks you can print before people stop caring.
But when things evolve, some people join, others leave. You sound like a leaver. It sucks that you lost something you liked, but it’s not that unpopular of an opinion. I’m sure most people playing 20 years ago don’t still play.
Planeswalkers broke the game.
I think some of the lore is cool, but actually all games based on collectables are trash.
Netrunner is where it’s at. Community run and maintained with the sole purpose of keeping the game good instead of making a profit.