So I asked, “What will happen if you hook up an NES directly to a projector?”
I’ve been wondering about this since I was a kid.
Now I know the answer: it’s awesome! No input lag. You don’t have the same problem of “raw” pixels as you do on an LCD or LED. But at the same time, you don’t get the scanlines that a CRT has.
But the biggest advantage is that the light is much softer which reduces eye strain if you’re in a dark room.
This damn level:
What game is that? Looks interesting.
Iron Sword, aka Wizards and Warriors 2. The first one was also enjoyable, but they’re kind of different games.
You mean the Fabio game.
Best art cover at that time!
Great title screen music, too.
the Fabio game.
You mean Goose Dodging Simulator?
He never dodged a goose. He took it straight to the face.