The Japanese have this term “intoku (陰徳)” which roughly translates to good deeds done in secret. What are some examples of intoku in your own life? Doesn’t matter even if it’s something minor like picking up trash.

  • Reading through these, some seem self- serving in a way, although still good deeds.

    I was going to say that I write a bunch of OSS, but that’s mostly selfish since I use everything I write. It’s the “scratching the itch.” I will rarely write something that I have no intention of using myself. The most selfless aspect of this is that there are a few distributions that I also maintain the packages for - again, for stuff I write, and a couple of them are not distros I use. But when I introspect about this, am I doing it in the true spirit of intoku, or am I secretly hoping this will encourage others to use my software and thereby increase my mana? Is it ultimately self-serving?

    I snow-plow the sidewalk in front of my house; the HOA requires it, so although I’d do it anyway, I get no karma. I also plow in front of my neighbor’s house, so that he doesn’t have to if he’s not feeling it. I suppose that counts, although he knows who’s going it. OTOH, I used to do the neighbor’s sidewalk on the other side, but after two years and not a single recognition or “thanks,” I stopped. So I guess it’s not true intoku after all.

    I pick up trash and bin it when walking through the city if it’s convenient - even that’s because it makes my experience nicer. Plus, there’s the tiny dopamine reward of doing the right thing that can’t be discounted.

    Nope. I can’t think of a single, truly selfless thing I do that isn’t in some way self-serving.

    • Opinionhaver@feddit.ukOP
      17 days ago

      I doubt that a truly selfless act of charity exists. Even if you’re just giving money away anonymously you’re still probably feeling good about it and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. That’s not really what my question was about.

    16 days ago

    I don’t murder all the time when no one’s around to notice. You’re welcome to everyone.

    17 days ago

    Contributing to open street map. I have mapped over 400 benches that I won’t sit on.

    I just like an idea that someday someone will ask a map “where is a closest bench?” And it will just show it.

    Most things I don’t help in secret tho.

    16 days ago

    There’s an outdoor cabinet in my neighborhood that is used as a food bank. I fill it to the brim weekly with shelf-stable food. I was formerly homeless and know what it’s like to go hungry, and I work hard to ensure that no one in my neighborhood has to go to bed hungry.

  • Bleeping
    17 days ago
    • If I see a freezer / fridge door open in a supermarket, I close it. Not for the supermarket, but for the planet

    • as someone who stacked shelves as a teen, if I take an item and it leaves a gap, I pull the next one forward so the employee doesn’t have to keep fussing over the manager’s demand for it to be lined up

    • my dad lives in a bungalow, on a small cul de sac of other bungalows. Sheltered housing for old folks. Litter often gets blown in and collects, I’ll pick it up every couple of weeks. Also cleared their paths / sprinkled salt when It snowed

    • when old people are in the way, I don’t crowd up behind them. I’ll take a few steps back and wait so they don’t feel pressured

    • if there’s an item in the road that could damage someone’s car, I’ll wait until it’s safe then remove the item

    • if I see someone was down voted just for sharing their opinion (assumedly because the down voter is too childish to withstand an opposing opinion), I make sure to up vote it in an attempt to restore balance. Even if I don’t agree with said opinion (obviously this doesn’t apply to hateful rhetoric etc)

    Prob a ton of other little things I can’t remember. Thanks for making this post!

      17 days ago

      I’m so glad I’m not the only one that upvotes people being down voted for their opinion - provided it isn’t hurtful to others. I don’t want to find myself in an echo chamber, so I feel it’s important for other opinions to be thrown into the ring.

    17 days ago

    I preload one or two gumball machines with quarters at the laundromat for nosy bored kids stuck there with their parent. I was that bored kid once, and now I’m at a place where I can give back a bit… I’ll also try to win toys at the claw machine and leave them in the bottom, but the success rate is bad.

    15 days ago

    I don’t think it counts as “nobody watching” since many people saw it technically, but I will often pull over to ask if people on the side of the highway need help as long as I’m not running late for something.

    I helped a Hispanic guy recently change his tire since he apparently misplaced his lug nut wrench and he had a blowout. I let him use mine and I topped off the air in his spare that was a little low. Took me a little while to figure out what he needed since he didn’t speak a word of English and I failed Spanish 3 times, but we got there using Google translate, hand signals and grunts haha.

    I do it because I hope that if one day I was stranded on the side of the road (and somehow without all the tools I always carry around) that someone would be nice enough to stop and offer assistance.

    Be the change you want to see in the world n all that.