The protests were linked to concerns over personal freedoms and government overreach. Mainly related to COVID-19 mandates and stay at home recommendations.
Supporters saw the movement as a grassroots stand for liberty against government overreach.
*edit the freedom convoy organised 3 years ago in 2022 as pointed out by commenter’s.
The freedom convoy was less about freedom and more about being an entitled selfish dick.
They were protesting against having to have compassion and empathy towards people beyond their small bubble. They weren’t fighting for people’s rights for freedom, they were protesting against other people’s rights to stay healthy and alive, it was a selfish act by selfish assholes.
People were dying because people wouldn’t take the safety precautions seriously and these assholes thought they were superheros saving the world, no, they were assholes who were used by bigger assholes to cause as much chaos as they could to undermine the faith in the system they were fearful about.
Giant fucking babies.
A right wing group that profits from the rights of others being taken away. The only “rights” they were fighting for is WASPs
Because they are all Canada hating UCP MAGA traitors.
This is the brain rot you get when you think if it’s not on the news, then it’s not happening.
Turn off the propaganda machine. People are protesting everywhere.
Whose rights are being taken away?
Why don’t you read the responses to this same question in this thread genius?
The US citizens being detained and deported by secret police.
The protesting students with green cards being deported for protesting.
How many total people are we talking about? Actual people.
How many people’s unalienable rights are acceptable to revoke?
Or do violations of human rights only matter when it inevitably effects you and the people you care about?
Do you care about people who lost their job because they didn’t want to get the jab? Even if they had verifiable natural immunity from infection? Or what if they followed all the rules and mandates, but their livelihood was ruined anyway because they weren’t connected to the right people or because they were considered non essential by some ambiguous criteria? Walmart was able to stay open, but small local stores and restaurants were forced to close, forever eliminating Walmart’s competition in small towns across the country. And what about the generation of kids whose education suffered, who sacrificed against their futures to possibly slightly reduce the risk of the privileged and fearful elderly ruling class? Years of critical developmental time lost forever, and for reasons that were increasingly disconnected from real science. Where is your empathy for the kids? They had no say in it or ability to advocate for themselves but were forced to bear the largest burden despite being the lowest risk. These injustices were behind the American support for the Canadian convoy. Where were you during that time? Don’t lecture me about hypocrisy. No, I’m not as concerned about people who decided to come here illegally or if they made some bad decisions while here on a temporary basis. Most of those situations will resolve in time, but late cancer diagnoses, accidental overdoses, suicides, and the previous examples I mentioned are long term, lasting impacts. Yes, I have much more empathy for them.
Everyone who can get pregnant has lost the ability to have safe care if they’re in a state with an abortion ban. Someone close to me was sentenced to death by the Supreme Court for the crime of having an ectopic pregnancy and only survived because she saved herself when doctors wouldn’t out of fear of being retaliated against.
That’s because they were a bunch of morons being led around by the nose ring… Idiots… It’s a damn shame those involved didn’t get he jail time they deserved…
Even so where are the liberal convoys?
Every M-F I get up and join the morning convoy on my way to work, and then in the evening I convoy home. It’s not a flashy convoy but we line those vehicles up, three lanes wide and miles long.
people’s* rights
Yeah, but those were over the right to infect others, to spread disease, harm and even death. Why should I be inconvenienced when all those don’t affect me
Someone else pointed it out, Freedom Convoy was effectively the next “States Rights” Don’t argue with them in good faith, they don’t argue in good faith themselves.
They’re the ones that cry “2A” about guns but worship the ground of Ronny Reagan who enacted gun legislation to go against the Black Panthers. This is the group that also talks about 2A and would storm the capital attacking police but calls Black Lives Matter riots and cheer when police show up. Hell, they cry about 2A when they worship Trump who said “Take their guns first, due process after.”
They talk about “Freedom of Religion” but it’s always their religion. War on Christmas, how dare they take down the ten commandments, while cheering for the guy who wanted a Muslim ban, attacked Sikhs post 9/11 because they couldn’t even get the religion they were mad at right, and want to force their religion into schools and courthouses.
They talk about freedom of speech when they scream about being able to lie, but cheer that Musk will throw people off that will actually fact check. The party of “Fuck your feelings” cries how they’re being attacked and needs protected when it’s turned around on them.
They cry about discrimination with Affirmative Action, but it’s simply the new Southern Strategy post Obama. Had a black president, racism is over, wave the flags. Oh, still helping minorities, RACISM! But they still stand with people who wave the swastika and the confederate flag and manage to say with a straight face they are not racist at all.
They made use of the social contract of tolerance, that we’re all supposed to get along as a society. They have done so by spitting in peoples faces, enacting violence, screaming epitaphs and being the worst people ever, then run back to society every time it’s turned on them.
Do not give them the good faith they ask for. Do not treat them as reasonable human beings, they are not. When they can act with basic fucking decorum that is required to be a person, then they can be treated like members of society again.
Which rights are being taken away?
Well, for one thing, they took away the right to identify as anything other than male or female, and even that is now restricted depending on the junk in your drawers.
Freedom of movement, self expression etc
The right to the Social Security and Medicare that I’ve been PAYING INTO FOR THE LAST FORTY FUCKING YEARS!!!
Whose freedoms, and from what?
Can you provide a link, or an idea what you’re talking about, any kind of context to deduce it.
Have you been under a rock or something?
Yeah apparently he has
Well I hear a lot about Trump removing freedoms, I just never see specifics so I still have no idea.
Dude, specifics are in every news article.
Here is a whole tracker from Columbia to break down all the different ways he has been violating people’s rights:
I’m answering you in good faith because I think you are being sincere, but I am also a bit flabbergasted that you have somehow managed to avoid hearing about all this. I wish I knew less—the horrible facts just keep jumping into my sphere of awareness whether I like it or not.
Well I think the problem is some are really bad, like the interrogations of journalists, but then you see things like “Trump proclamation bars immigrants who cannot pay for healthcare”.
Its these latter ones really muddying the water, and I assume people write it all off as hyberbole.
In my personal opinion, all of them are extremely atrocious. It’s like trying to choose between eating a horse turd or a cow turd—both are complete shit.
Ok, I’ll condense the entirety of American news from the last few months down to one or two links…
The right to education
Oh, a green card holders rights. I see.
Yeah, your founding fathers really screwed up not differentiating people into citizens and non-citizens
Now your own constitution is obligating you to treat everyone equitably, the horror, the horror /s
Abortion laws being one that quickly comes mind.
During covid, protest were in favour of “my body, my choice” today’s outlook seems to fall in the opposite direction.
You are looking for common principles and shared values, but MAGA was only looking to seize power for itself, or at least some rich people who are part of it.
Don’t be shocked. This is basic manipulation and greed. It really is that simple. And the MaAGA crowd is disproportionately bigoted, so they get to hate who they hate more.
I think for the next 50 years people will be talking about MAGAs in the same way they talked for the last fifty years about Nazis
Ive posted more than once that when Trump was reelected and there was no attempt to storm the capital to block his confirmation I knew the USA was doomed.
If they are prepared to use violence and ignore the rules and you arent… you’re fucked.
Genuinely asking. What is this post about? I’ve seen 3-4 posts with the same vague description of what is actually going on. Sorry, I checked out of politics for yhe past 2 weeks and am genuinely asking, what.
It’s probably about how all of the right wing people and their alt right movements over the last decade have been a complete load of bullshit spread by liars and hypocrites. Because they’ve been crying and crying about ‘freedom’ all this time and now that people’s freedom is actually actively being violated, suddenly they don’t have the same kind of energy. They’ve been preaching ‘free speech’ but they’re silent when a protester gets arrested and threatened with deportation for speaking. Even the fucking conspiracy theory crowd took one look at Project 2025 and went “doesn’t look like anything to me.”
So it’s probably just an observation that all of this madness over the last decade has been instigated by liars and supported and spread by liars. And that it’s always actually just been about hate all along. A lot of us knew that already but now it’s at the point where anyone denying it just looks willingly fucking stupid.
I was generally just thinking how the general public 3-5 years back were protesting about loss of rights (ie. stay at home “orders”) imposed by their government, albeit the protest back then may have been a little flawed and morphed into a Anti-vaccine movement.
Now, 5 years later people are seemingly loosing their rights for real (within the USA) and its almost as if no one notices. ie. Judges being threatened, public services bring dismantled, basic foods increasing in price.
I know its not a perfect 1:1 correlation. The lockdowns effected everyone at the same time in roughly the same way no matter social status. The current situation is more along the lines of “it does not effect me”.
Ah! Thank you both for you replies! I see what you are talking about now.
Children. They have the minds of children.
almost like everything a fascist says is a lie, and the things they accuse you of are just what they’re getting hard about doing to you.
but that would be absurd.