This came up in my health care forum.
Right now, you can legally detain someone medically when they are a danger to themselves or others for up to 72hrs. The details vary by state, but this is how we lock down individuals trying to suicide or someone mentally off the rails making threats of violence.
This variation on that law would also make opposition to Trump qualify.
Civil commitment can follow as with individuals who have profound mental illness and are not safe to be out in the world.
This is the loudest scream that democracy is dead short of hauling people out into the street and shooting them.
It’s important to note the police are currently the people who bring individuals in for the 72hr mental health holds.
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) (noun) - An irrational and unwavering devotion to Donald Trump, characterized by blind loyalty, the dismissal of any criticism as fake news or conspiracy, and an inability to acknowledge his flaws or contradictions.
We need one to counter and call it the Koolaid Cooperation Clause
In Soviet America the crackpots will hospitalize you.
Free speech is dead. Democracy is dead. And now the individuals who criticize Trump can be detained in a mental hospital.
Yep, we’re back to the 1930s folks
This process is already able to be abused to swat people, and the conditions are horrible for the people being held. I’ve seen it as a MH worker. It’s not a hospital, it’s a jail. There is no treatment, only observation in cells. It’s deeply traumatizing and corrupt. Coercion to get people to sign into voluntary programs ($) in order to be released, or they extend their hold. The whole thing is a travesty.
Americans are fucked. Political disagreement to be classified as a mental disorder? Y’all skipped the Hungary and Russia steps, and went straight to NK.
I will scream it from the roof tops that he is incompetent and my dislike for him. I’m not scared.
The government has artillery.
Don’t threaten me with a good time
You’re not scared because your great grandmother wasn’t thrown out a 4th floor window by Nazis. You really don’t understand a dictatorship, do you?
My grandmother was a German citizen. My blood runs deep and I fully understand how you put these people in their place.
To be clear, screaming on rooftops didn’t put the nazis in their place, communists with guns did.
Is this a call to arms against the USsA?
It is an observation of historical facts, I am not prescribing any particular action.
Running in the woods and trying to wage a protracted people’s war against the local police didn’t put the nazis in their place either, so who exactly would I be calling to arms?
Awww, they’re feeling the pressure huh?
Document not found…
Just like in Soviet Union under Stalin.
American asylums weren’t exactly shining beacons of human rights during that period either. JFK’s sister had her frontal lobe scraped until she could no longer repeat the lyrics of a song because she said problematic things as a woman.
Not really, abuse of the mental asylums like this mostly happened after Stalin’s death. Under Stalin, you were simply thrown into the Gulag system.
Like red flag laws, but for the other side.
The other side?
Red flag laws were geared more towards conservatives, this TDS bill would be geared more towards liberals.
How are laws stating “If you’ve beaten your spouse, you cannot own guns” geared towards conservatives? Or, is that a slip of some sort?
I don’t remember that part of it.
How are red flag laws geared towards conservatives? Are they more likely to have someone report them as suicidal?
Also how would removing a gun from a suicidal person be comparable to taking a person against their will and more than likely getting them fired from work and thrown in poverty?
Red Flag laws are used to remove guns from Trans, Latino, and Black people in red states too. It’s not the solution to gun violence that people think it is. It was a good idea, but it ends up falling to paradox of the false positive and even being weaponized against minorities more often than not. It violates due process as well.
More comprehensive care for people with severe mental health issues and arresting and jailing domestic violence offenders their first time is more effective. Unfortunately, we just defunded public mental health, so…
I agree.
So, the only possible sane position is to support everything Trump does?
No. You don’t have to agree with everything Trump. This bill won’t pass anyway.
Assuming it passed, that’s what the bill said. Any disagreement with Trump is a clear sign of a mental disorder.
No, it does not say any disagreement with Trump. That alone would not qualify.
Don’t worry though, with walz as gov, it won’t pass.
No, it does not say any disagreement with Trump
It literally does. That’s how it defines “Trump Derangement Syndrome”.
But yes, Walz will veto it, thankfully.
Its only part of what defines it. Disagreeing alone would not qualify.
Yes, I’m glad you’re beginning to see reason!
Ok, now I know you are a meconium baby, who didn’t have the resolved quickly enough.
Link says document not found.
This is for Minnesota, why is that not in the headline or post? I don’t think Minnesota will pass this
it’s also one of a billion batshit bills that every Nazi sycophant is going to shit out over the next 4-90 years.
that said, it’s kinda good to get out in front and see these, we should be tracking names
Just worked for me.
And here I thought it was Roadkill F. Kennedy that was gonna send me to a concentration camp for taking antidepressants. Welp I guess it’s the nuthouse for me instead. At least until being mentally ill at all gets you sent to the “rehabilitation farms.”
Oh shit! Free mental healthcare.
Fuck Trump!
I’d like to talk about my mother when possible.
Yeah i’d also like to talk about my mother. She was a piece of shit.
What makes you think it’d be Healthcare?
What makes you think it would be free?
Other countries will pay for it!
Let’s see here, make this out to comptroller, and the amount is… well let’s just leave that blank for now.
What’s the bill number? Is there a link to the text for a full read?
It’s a Minnesota bill and the link takes you to the full text.