Congress is categorically useless, and the ultimate judicial authority in the country - and a disturbing proportion of lower courts besides that - have been completely co-opted. And nobody anywhere who has actual power to push back is actually pushing back. I don’t think even a military coup in either direction would help things at this point. I think the US is headed for breakup and balkanization. This goose is cooked, imo.
And it’s about time as well, blue and red states have completely opposites opinions of where they want to head, it means that most of the US population is pulled backward by a minority. Well at some point you’ve got to cut your losses, if Alabama and Mississippi want to be third world countries then so be it, the blue states can just offer asylum to anyone living there that wants to leave.
Yeah my money is on a Soviet style break up, I doubt there will be much fighting during. I also doubt there will be a Russia analogue since there isn’t really an equivalent state maybe the great planes could unify but they don’t really have the population to be warmongers.
Seriously stop asking this dumb question. You know what has to happen, it’s just not great to think about because you had life plans. Well, guess what: your plans are dead, and there is a good possibility you will be too.
Three Co-Equal Branches of government. Seems like the other two branches need to wake up.
Congress is categorically useless, and the ultimate judicial authority in the country - and a disturbing proportion of lower courts besides that - have been completely co-opted. And nobody anywhere who has actual power to push back is actually pushing back. I don’t think even a military coup in either direction would help things at this point. I think the US is headed for breakup and balkanization. This goose is cooked, imo.
See you guys on the other side, I guess.
This will most likely be our future.
And it’s about time as well, blue and red states have completely opposites opinions of where they want to head, it means that most of the US population is pulled backward by a minority. Well at some point you’ve got to cut your losses, if Alabama and Mississippi want to be third world countries then so be it, the blue states can just offer asylum to anyone living there that wants to leave.
Yeah my money is on a Soviet style break up, I doubt there will be much fighting during. I also doubt there will be a Russia analogue since there isn’t really an equivalent state maybe the great planes could unify but they don’t really have the population to be warmongers.
The other two branches have also been taken over by traitors.
Yeah, I just wish it weren’t so. How do we fix the mess we’re in?
Seriously stop asking this dumb question. You know what has to happen, it’s just not great to think about because you had life plans. Well, guess what: your plans are dead, and there is a good possibility you will be too.
The 2nd amendment.
Four boxes of liberty.