It is half a bathroom
No you don’t get to ask why a bathroom is called a bathroom. It is like questioning the origin of a hot dog.
And in the UK a “cloakroom” is very rarely a place specifically to hang your cloak…
You’d be amazed how much bathing some people manage to do with just a sink.
You’ve been to McDonald’s I take it
You can bathe half your body in the sink and the other half in the toilet.
And now I’m going to touch grass
Cursed comment, but I’ll add on to it: If you plug the door slit with a towel the whole room becomes your tub.
Good news! Most of the world would find that extremely weird (as with calling a room with no baths a bathroom). I think it’s due to the euphemism treadmill.
And if you had half a bathtub, you could as well have no bathtub at all
If it’s fixed to a waterproof wall, it would work. Weird, but work.
By code a bathroom is a sink and any combination of a bidet, shower, tub, or toilet.
The real weirdness originates from any room with a toilet being called a bathroom despite many not having bathtubs.
Technically if it doesn’t have a bathtub or shower it is called a powder room. But that phrase is rarely used. (Mostly because 90% of the time when we say bathroom we mean toilet.)
We call it a trap, khazi, bog, privy, WC, toilet…don’t think I’ve heard “half bath”.
On the other hand, if you say you are going to the bathroom, nobody expects you to take a shit in the bathtub
Which is what makes it all that much more satisfying when the next person goes in
You’re right. It should be called a 2/3 bath instead.
We’d just call that room “the toilet”
sailing by in my half-boat “YEAH that is just like… your OPINION MAN!!”
You would have been fine if it was a Boston Whaler.
Showerthought: You could technically have a three-bath house with zero showers or bathtubs, just six little sinks all over.
in german that room is just called “das kloo” (the toilet)