I’m sorry but you need to put pins through those poles or at least a wooden board beneath the load. I don’t care what the friction is, this won’t hold forever.
looks like my mates house. Only downside I see is that you need ventilation on the mattress or it will mold.
Ok, what am I missing here? This just looks like a bed scratch built from clamps and poles of some kind.
Scaffolding. And the hmm is that it’s a bed made from scaffolding.
Looks expensive.
I wish I had higher ceilings in my room I would absolutely do this
The rail is unnecessary. Nobody falls out of beds.
That’s the head
boardbar. The headbar.Nobody who can still talk afterwards.
Judging by the bookshelves, I think you’d bonk your head trying to get into or out of those chairs. The bed would be safe for sleeping but you’d want to be careful about lively activities that might slide the board off to the right of the photo. Given the rest, and the fact it would be a pain to arrange sheets and pillows, that’s probably not going to be an issue, though.
Looks better than the loft bed I built in college
Yeah same here. It’s a wonder we didn’t kill somebody.
I studied mechanical engineering so if I had killed someone with my bed frame then I might have felt some obligation to switch majors.
CS major here. It’s hard to kill people with com…. wait never mind. 🤣
A loft like this is pretty typical in a dorm type situation. Am I missing something else?
why not add some ladder steps? some long bolster pillows?
It’s not pretty but it’s functional. Should get some bed sheets though
I’m down
For what exactly? This structure looks like a bit sus. Has some alternate uses for sure.
Building a fort of course. What else is a bed good for?
Yes, yes of course, a fort. That is what i was thinking of.
“cozy feel, utilities not included, $2400/month”
“Lots of storage space!”
I mean, the clamps are ugly, and I would fear to rip my skin up. But besides that, I dig it.
If it’s stupid and works, it isn’t stupid.
Those are steel scaffolding poles and clamps…even has end caps. As long as the clamps nuts are torqued correctly, that is not anywhere.
this isn’t stupid though, it’s effective and practical.
The old axom however is a flawed notion. If it’s stupid and it works, it’s still stupid and you’re lucky you didn’t hurt yourself.