I’m glad we’re burning the forests even faster in the name of identity politics.
I’m imagining a sci-fi spin on this where AI generators are used to keep AI crawlers in a loop, and they accidentally end up creating some unique AI culture or relationship in the process.
I guess this is what the first iteration of the Blackwall looks like.
Gotta say “AI Labyrinth” sounds almost as cool.
“I used the AI to destroy the AI”
We had to kill the internet, to save the internet.
We have to kill the Internet, to save humanity.
Surprised at the level of negativity here. Having had my sites repeatedly DDOSed offline by Claudebot and others scraping the same damned thing over and over again, thousands of times a second, I welcome any measures to help.
I think the negativity is around the unfortunate fact that solutions like this shouldn’t be necessary.
Considering how many false positives Cloudflare serves i see nothing but misery coming from this.
In terms of Lemmy instances, if your instance is behind cloudflare and you turn on AI protection, federation breaks. So their tools are not very helpful for fighting the AI scraping.
Burning 29 acres of rainforest a day to do nothing
You have Thirteen hours in which to solve this labyrinth before your baby AI becomes one of us, forever.
And soon, the already AI-flooded net will be filled with so much nonsense that it becomes impossible for anyone to get some real work done. Sigh.
Some of us are only here to crank hog.
I introduce to you, the Trace Buster Buster!
If you’ve never seen the movie The Big Hit, it’s great.
Why do I have the feeling that I will end up in that nightmare with my privacy focused and ad-free Browser setup. I already end up in captcha hell too often because of it.
Of course it will. Cloudflare has already ruined the web and it’s just another step further.
Generating content with AI to throw off crawlers. I dread to think of the resources we’re wasting on this utter insanity now, but hey who the fuck cares as long as the line keeps going up for these leeches.
Imagine how much power is wasted on this unfortunate necessity.
Now imagine how much power will be wasted circumventing it.
Fucking clown world we live in
On on hand, yes. On the other…imagine frustration of management of companies making and selling AI services. This is such a sweet thing to imagine.
I just want to keep using uncensored AI that answers my questions. Why is this a good thing?
Because it only harms bots that ignore the “no crawl” directive, so your AI remains uncensored.
Good I ignore that too. I want to towards a world where information is shared. I can get behind the
Get behind the what?
Perhaps an AI crawler crashed Melvin’s machine halfway through the reply, denying that information to everyone else!
That’s not what the
no follow
command meansdon’t worry, information is still shared. but with people. not with capitalist pigs
Because it’s not AI, it’s LLMs, and all LLMs do is guess what word most likely comes next in a sentence. That’s why they are terrible at answering questions and do things like suggest adding glue to the cheese on your pizza because somewhere in the training data some idiot said that.
The training data for LLMs come from the internet, and the internet is full of idiots.
That’s what I do too with less accuracy and knowledge. I don’t get why I have to hate this. Feels like a bunch of cavemen telling me to hate fire because it might burn the food
LLM is a subset of AI
My dude, they’ll literally sell services to both sides of the market.
hey look it’s that “zip bomb” I mentioned.
fuck cloudflare though.
This is so fucking retarded on so many levels. It’s time to regulate the shit out of “AI”.