Tesla dealerships are getting protested and, in some cases, vandalized. Sales are down on 9 of the top 10 countries Tesla sells in. Yet Tesla stock is up. Twitter is a cesspool of nazi-themed bots, and somehow just pulled in $1bn and raised its valuation back up to $44bn.
How is any of this possible? It seems really artificial to me, but I don’t really understand business.
We wanted cheaper products, and now we are reaping what we sow.
Globalisation is not bad, it is mismanaged. Why? There is no globally harmonised rules, policies and regulations to prevent exploitation of workers in third world countries to produce cheap products and services, compensate workers for their jobs being outsourced, prevent environmental degradation, and prevent over accumulation of wealth at the hands of miniscule amount of people. Norway can’t exactly tell Bangladesh they should pay the same wages that workers in Norway are getting.
How are those going to be resolved? A world government that implements rules and regulations uniformly; instead of dealing with different standards, regulations and policies of other countries-- or lack thereof in case of third world countries (which is why we have cheap goods because these countries offered themselves to be the world’s factory).
The world government is like the EU but on the world level. It should be able to address the unequal distribution of wealth, unequal division of labour and enviromental issues that the current lawless globalisation “order” has wreaked havoc both to humans and environment. Are you down for that kind of set up? I thought so.
Even then, with global trades comes the environmental impact of transporting goods all over the world. It’s not normal to expect the whole world to have access to the same things, it’s not normal that I can purchase a pineapple in Canada, especially not in the middle of winter. All regions of the world would be very served by focusing on local and adjacent productions. Hell, China understood that, they don’t rely on the rest of the world for their shit, they mostly produce what they need and export surplus and are laughing their way to the bank.
For someone who is in another thread attacking someone for having an opinion on something you feel they aren’t relevant enough to have anyone to care about their opinion of,
You sure do have a lot of opinions.
If you looked at my comment history you’ll see that I mentioned that contrary to the person I’m talking about, my opinions aren’t shared in mainstream media. She can have all the opinions she wants and share them, I don’t give a crap about that, I’m concerned when mainstream media starts giving importance to the opinion of people who have no expertise on a subject.
And whether it’s mainstream media, or a random nobody on lemmy stating an opinion- most people will disregard it if they either don’t care about, or disagree with it.
So now, having said this- take a guess who you think should care more about your opinion here than that of Elon Musk’s daughter elsewhere in a news article:
Hint- If you guess “no one,” you’d be correct.
(I’d also accept “both can be either relevant or irrelevant based on the interest of the reader and shouldn’t be subject to scrutiny just because you think it shouldn’t be stated”)