Insurance fraud is cool now?
Hyundai EVs really are good. They made absolutely terrible gas cars but chose the transition to EVs to make new company out of themselves and they did an absolutly incredible job. They make some of the best EVs in the market.
I traded mine in. Was underwater by 10k. Fuck me, but fuck Elon more.
Do NOT set your own car on fire. They will notice every marker pointing at you! Instead, incompetently park in a visible area that is poorly lit at night, perhaps a Trump sticker. Maybe an anti-trans or pro racism sticker! Really REALLY scummy stuff. Get a custom plate that says ‘‘YBMC’’ or something else horrid. Really egg them on. What you really want is a total stranger you have never interacted with. Police fail to identify 90% of crimes that don’t have a personal motivation to known victim and perpitraitor.
don’t worship muppets.
Usually insurance companies don’t pay for vandalism I think.
They will cover vandalism if:
A) You report it to the police and have a file number
B) You have comprehensive coverage
But your insurance rate will increase due to having a claim
Oh you REALLY need to call up and see if they will cover it. They will fight you like hell on this kind of situation.
If I’m paying for comprehensive coverage and they don’t cover my car burning, I am absolutely suing.
The irony here is that Hyundai models built 2019 - 2023 have an issue where they’ll spontaneously combust.
There is a whole bunch of regulatory stuff that’s been spun up for EVs over the past 7 years or so.
I have no idea if Hyundai had something out of the ordinary happen, but the public is generally very slow to change and are a bit hyper vigilant. Add in the fact that the press loves a good boogieman to get clicks and you’ll see some of the EV mess.
Are they safer than ICE? Yes. Should that stop there? No.
With an average of 16 EV and hybrid fires per year, there’s a 1 in 38,000 chance of fire. There are a total of roughly 4.4 million gas- and diesel-powered passenger vehicles in Sweden, with an average of 3,384 fires per year, for a 1 in 1,300 chance of fire. That means gas- and diesel-powered passenger vehicles are 29 times more likely to catch fire than EVs and hybrids.
Hyundai and Kia always has something out of the ordinary happen. My model was an ICE with two major flaws: one meant that the engine was liable to catastrophically fail and catch on fire at around 90k miles, and the other made it so stealing them was literally child’s play. Kids were making TikToks on how to steal them…
Hyundais just aren’t good cars. They cut corners to the max, and when shit goes south just try to gaslight everyone involved. I’m highly skeptical that their EVs are high quality, because their ICE models were shitboxes.
Are you dumb? Hyundai \Kia is literal trash. Buy a Toyota or Honda.
Every time a Tesla cuts me off in traffic now, I contemplate following them until they park so I can carve “ASSHOLE” into the hood with my keys.
Oh boy, you’re so edgy.
Hyundai is not the move :p
That’s actually the face your Insurance company make when their claim adjuster reviews the Tesla ‘Sentry Mode’ footage.
Yeah DO NOT commit insurance fruad. It’s a really bad idea. You will get caught. There’s about 100 different ways to get caught and you won’t figure out half of them, and what’s worse is that the money will point REALLY big red arrows at you and if you can’t defuse that attention, your doing time.
Of a random guy in a hoodie and a mask setting fire to my Tesla?
A drone carrying a mini Molotov into the inside. Just leave the window open.
Give it a go and see how random you look.
Ask a friend, easy peasy. Just make sure you say it in person away from any device in a backyard or in a park.
*This is not legal or illegal advice…
larping doesn’t count.
Everything counts in the real world, that’s how billionaires are where they are!
I’m sure all the fake money spend well in the real world.
That’s just how it works; Elongated Muskrat literally had fraud investigations and fired the people investigating him, he still spends that fake money 💀 Trump also had fraud charges, should be in prison, still spends that fake money.
Be for real dude, the average Joe would be in prison even with the best lawyers. My comment was satire of what to do to screw to system, but you don’t recognize satire so let me be clear; no, the average Joe can’t get away with this shit unless they are the luckiest mf alive, which is why my comment was said in humour lol
Yes. That’s why ever single person that has set fire to a Tesla has been caught. /s
Pics or it didn’t happen.
As a Hyundai-owner…you should buy a Honda.
As an owner of both, my 2020 Ioniq BEV easily feels better than my previous civic, and my Subaru (though I’d want the suby for anything challenging terrain-related). Best car I’ve owned.
I don’t know. My runner up was an Ioniq 5. A shame it was 10k more expensive
I hate Musk, Tesla, and cars in general. (I like trains). But I also dislike people who are wasteful, destroys things like everything is replaceable without any harm done. I also dislike people who are dishonest for their own benefit. This is not helping built a better future. It’s dishonest and destructive. Lose lose.
You must like in a country or downtown area with good public transport. Go outside the main cities in America and you’re stranded without your own car.
Tbf there’s a pretty good chance their entire country is the size of one of our states. The server suggests Netherlands which is like half the size of West Virginia, for example.
Yup, Netherlands and public transport is pretty good here. As well as towns, including mine, are walkable/cyclable.
Yeah, I figured. Unfortunately the entire world isn’t as densely populated as Amsterdam, so public transit of that level isn’t always possible. For instance, NL, the entire country, is 1/2 the size of WV the state alone. And the pop of NL is 17,722,333, and the pop of WV is 1,769,979. So to reiterate, your country of 17 million people is smaller in area than one of our states containing 1 million people.
Maybe try leaving your safe little bubble occasionally.
Sure in some rural places possibilities for public transit are limited. But in the US most people live in cities and they could very well have decent public transit, it’s a political choice to not invest in trains. .
You ever been to West Virginia?
I’m not saying cars don’t serve a purpose in sparesely populated areas, like West Virginia. They do. But cars are overused in places where public transit would be a thousand times more efficient, like big cities. Also, trains are perfectly suitable to cover large distances. I happen to go on holiday to Italy next week and I do it solely by train. And Europe doesn’t even have good high speed raillines. Perhaps less so than the US, but Europe also neglects public transit in favor of the car lobby.
Have you seen the stock price? I wouldn’t say it’s wasteful at all. I’d say it’s achieving exactly what it’s set out to do.
If it’s trying to get Tesla to go bankrupt, I highly doubt that will happen. And I also don’t really see what it achieves except for annoying Musk.