If there’s no multiverse then what was Dr Strange fighting? Check mate atheists.
I completely forgot about the term SJW until this little dig into history.
In the 90s when porn was still being figured out and some sites had ID verification for some god damn reason, i found porn on usenet. There will always be a way to make it work.
Lock the internet behind a gate? Trust me kids will make a local internet.
I know a lot of scientists who were already getting let go around the winter because finding dried up.
And with the way the US is going, that well continues to shrink.
Is this money going to the right places? Or to better equip the police force?
I went from middle (trying to reason with it) to left with:
“Maybe businesses are what saves us because the government continues to fail us” to “Star Trek was a dream scenario. We’re headed towards cyberpunk.”
High level Shitposting. I love it.
How did I get this ad? I don’t fit the profile.
I didn’t think about that! It could be a hate fetish, like all the Republicans who rage about immigrants and then when you point to their immigrant wife, they get real offended.
I worked on a piece of software where they thought I was the same person as the two other folks, because we spoke/sound alike/had similar timestamps.
Really it was because we’d get group chatted the message and respond at the same time.
Getting banned from .ml is a badge of honor!
Don’t even feel bad
I have a sun lamp and take pills to potentially avoid SAD.
Wake up in darkness.
Work while the sun is out.
Go home in darkness.
I no likey.
Holy cow.
I’ve used syncthing for years and think it’s great.
And I have the same problem as OP, where it’s a pain in one’s asshole to upload Steamdeck images without going into SteamOS and annoyingly plugging in a m+KB and spend a lot of time micromanaging the uploads.
At no point did I think to put thess two together! Great idea!
For like 3 hours, it was glorious as my friend group wondered what part of the Cybertruck could have spontaneously combusted.
Then video came out and there’s colorful lights and we still weren’t sure.
It took a official report before we accepted it was a car bomb.
Who are those 15%?
And why aren’t they pushed into the ocean?