Three guys wearing a red shirt
Figures that the safest men to be stuck with aren’t human men.
He’s got Elven heritage. He’s the 64th descendant of Elros, brother of Elrond. I think he’s also decendend from a Maiar as Elros and Elrond’s great great grandmother was Melian.
Not if yer a fucken orc!
I don’t know; can you name three bears that women would feel safer with?
Christopher Reeves, Stephen Hawking, Teddy Pendergrass
Mr Rogers, Bob Ross, Steve Irwin
i mean, i guess i’d feel safe, but probably not super comfortable, given that they are all three very dead.
Idk about Stephen Hawking
I tried to come up with a counter argument and realized pretty quickly that I didn’t want to.
What’s the counter-argument ? Let’s hear it
I mean, they’re objectively correct.
Somewhat related: that’s a dream blunt rotation right there
I feel like Gimli would hog it, Aragorn would obviously be awesome, and Legolas would be chill but you could tell he’s thinking your weed sucks, he’s got a much better connection.
Gimli, it’s a blunt, not a microphone
I’d choose: Boromir, Ned Stark, and Sean Bean.
No way anything bad can happen to me with those magnets around.
I dunno. Might take Sharpe instead of Ned Stark, good to have someone that knows how to use a rifle
The whole elevator would just crash through the foundation. You’d be collateral when Death gets a 3 for 1 final destination style.
The fact that they had to go to fictional characters is significant.
To be fair, being fictional means they’re significantly less dimensional than real people and are incapable of holding secrets.
I mean there are real people I feel absolutely safe around, but they’re just normal people I know and have built trust with. There are no famous people I can say the same for because I don’t know them personally, even if they seem good on the surface. And for fictional characters like these, we “know” Aragorn is safe because he’s written to be benevolent, we’ve read his entire life, and the author’s dead so there’s no possibility for new material to change that perception.
LotR should have started becoming public domain in America in 2023 btw
We’re in the LOTR community, the sample may be a little biased
Yes, but the person who responded to the question wasn’t in a LOTR community.
All the other people who answered weren’t posted here
I know, I’m just referring to this particular person’s response.
Good point!
Okay, real world examples from me (notably, a big dude, so y’know, probably not as in tune to things as I could be):
Bernie Sanders My brother My Uncle
… I… Really thought I’d have better options until I really started thinking about it
Yeah. Same issue here. So how about:
Bob Ross. Carl Sagan. Steve Irwin.
also that 2 of them aren’t men
I would take “men” to just mean “male people,” since it’s not being asked in the context of a fantasy world.
Is the elevator spacious?
I can’t believe how jacked Arnold is here. It’s truly remarkable.
Arnold’s got a decent number of allegations against him, but Andre would protect you so I guess it’s honestly a freebie for the other two if he’s in the mix.
Is this AI?
Sadly. There’s no other copies of this meme that’s not infested by the jpegs. I didn’t have time to find the source to recreate it.
Now, however… hold my beer.
Let’s be real. We’re all NPCs so if any of the men are from something with action, we’ll probably end up dead. My pick would be Bob Ross, Mr. Rogers, and Steve Irwin. Super calming and chill
Steve was an amazing person but I wouldn’t describe him as chill.
He was pure overwhelming enthusiastic energy.
Fair point. Well, he’ll balance out the other two then. It’ll be like drugs (I assume), two downers and one upper
“Speed into one nostril, coke into the other”-energy
first 3 celebridudes that popped into my head:
Tom Hanks, Keannu Reaves, and Willie Nelson.
You are NOT safe from Willie. He will get you SOOO high.
exactly why he’s on the list. I’m secretly trying to get to Hanks that high so he can laugh like he did in money pit.
Also, Patrick Stewart.
totally could get down or up (elevator joke) with sirpatstew
So ackshually…
Aragorn was descended from Elros who was a half-elf, but that was so long ago he may or may not be a full man depending on how racist one is about miscegenation.
Legolas was an elf and Gimli was a dwarf, so explicitly not Men.
How about Eomer and Faramir instead?
Boromir would’ve made them feel safer.
Faramir didn’t try to take the Ring from Frodo, unlike Boromir.
Elros and Elrond had a choice as to become Eldar or Edain. Elrond chose Eldar, while Elros chose Edain. Once they chose their mixed nature was resolved.
Not exactly, since the Númenóreans still had longer lives than Men due to their elven heritage. So while one could absolutely make the argument they were Men, there’s also a case to be made saying they weren’t pureblooded Men.
one drop
Men as in males, yes.
Men as in humans, mostly no
Just put me with Pedro Pascal, in any role.
Pedro Pascal, Sir Ian Mckellan, and Sir Patrick Stewart.