Had my first therapy session in a long time, yesterday. I’m feeling much more hopeful, as the psychologist and I seem to click really well. It has messed me up emotionally, however, so I’m having popcorn and pop tarts for dinner. Too hot to cook.
TAFE starts again next week, I’m looking forward to getting back into it. It’s a fantastic campus and course. These past few months have been so detrimental to my mental health.
My partner has an interview next week as well!! I’m so proud of him!
Glad going back went well for you! I am definitely due back, so reluctant to face my many issues but I need to. I’m booking in to get a new MHCP over the weekend.
Had my first therapy session in a long time, yesterday. I’m feeling much more hopeful, as the psychologist and I seem to click really well. It has messed me up emotionally, however, so I’m having popcorn and pop tarts for dinner. Too hot to cook.
TAFE starts again next week, I’m looking forward to getting back into it. It’s a fantastic campus and course. These past few months have been so detrimental to my mental health.
My partner has an interview next week as well!! I’m so proud of him!
Oh, here's the cat tax
I had to stifle my laugh, dat stank leg 😂😂
hugs , glad everything is looking positive and up for all the Spud fam. 😘
It’s so good to see you back.
I hope you’re doing well.
The most important thing to know is what flavour pop tarts, that will determine everything.
Also Mickey!
But my favourite is chocolate haha
Glad going back went well for you! I am definitely due back, so reluctant to face my many issues but I need to. I’m booking in to get a new MHCP over the weekend.
Also Mickey ❤️
That was the hard part, actually getting a new mhcp. I have such massive anxiety around making appointments that I just… Don’t. Lol.
But it’s definitely worth it! I believe in youuu! 💜💜