Off to an interview i go.
Lets see how this plays out!
All the best, I had one this morning. Sending all the good vibes your way.
good luck 🍀
Good luck!!!
Good luck!
I have just witnessed someone cleaning a kitchen/breakroom with a leaf blower.
Mr P did this in the lounge and kitchen once. I came home and wondered, “why does the place smell more than vaguely of petrol? And why is all there a line of dirt and fluff along the skirting of the far wall and floor of the place?” Put 2+2 together and asked him if he did a Caddyshack, which he admitted to lol.
Oh no
Whenever my wife cuts my hair, I blast all the tiny little clippings out by grabbing the ol’ leaf blower and aiming it at the top of my head. Electric though, a petrol one would be a bit heavy :D
Also use it for dusting vents and clearing crud from cupholders and such when cleaning the inside of my car and I CBF running the air compressor hose out or wasting canned air.
For some people the only tool they need is a hammer. For me, it’s a leaf blower :D
Sometimes I even use it for clearing leaves.
Suck or blow? Because some of them can do both.
A petrol leaf blower.
No way! Gather a lynch mob.
After my brief period of shock and horror, I ran away.
pussyWell done
Like MegaMaid.
Good old Spaceballs.
“She’s gone from suck to blow.”
I could quote that movie all day.
I used to watch it all the time as a kid, some of the quotes are ingrained in me.
“Comb the desert!”
Same, and it was one of the first movies that went on my media server when I first set it up.
Might be time for a re-watch.
I got some op shop jeans that looked good, washed them, and now they smell like sewage. Washed them three times and even used cleaning vinegar but still stinky.
I could use hot water or Napisan but am already concerned about fading them with multiple washes.
It’s possibly the dye but I don’t know if I want to wear something that doesn’t smell clean and fresh.
Also: check your washing machine isn’t causing stinky
The machine is ok, it’s specifically this pair of jeans
Vodka. Srsly.
Ah I don’t have any alcomahol
And it’s spenny
You would be shocked how cheap nasty undrinkable bullshit that is perfect for the task is
Cheap nasty vodka in a spray bottle = home dry cleaning.
I hope you can wash the stink out. If they fade more that should make them look even more fashion
Me too. I don’t mind a little fading but they were already a bit faded so I don’t want too pale
UV (sunlight) can be good for killing smells.
That’s a good idea, maybe if I turn them inside out before sunning that would preserve the colour
Probably want to do both sides anyway if they’re stinky. Also, they’ll likely fade through use anyway so accepting their impermanence upfront might save you some disappointment.
“The cup is already broken”
I could redye them as I have in the past but I don’t want to deal with it running
“Because I know its fate, I can enjoy it fully here and now. And when it’s gone, it’s gone.”
I found water soluble eucalyptus oil solution works wonders. I had some socks that were still smelling a bit foot-like even after a whole heavy duty wash. Eucalyptus fixed it.
Every now and again I need to throw a capfull of white vinegar in with my Gi wash to knock the stank out of it.
Good call, Aldi might have some when I can get there
buying all the cleaning agents is more expensive than opshop jeans.
just throw these ones out and buy another pair
This is what Boyo & flatmate did when working at a fish based fertiliser manufacturer. Buy multiple op shop pants each week, strip on the porch, and bin pants. Nothing is removing that stench.
Fair point. Now you mention it, the cleaning stuff I buy is usually around ten bucks a bottle. Last time I bought op shop jeans they were about $6.
I may have hired teenage minions. A Bwahaha seems in order.
My girlfriend has finally resigned from her job. She’s been working in Outside of School Hours Care and it has been an absolute nightmare. The kids have been difficult, she’s received little support from the business, and at times the parents have been as bad as the kids.
I’m glad she’s moving on and I hope she can find something that works out for her soon
Is she studying education? She could also try and get a role as a teacher aide, as they’re pretty desperate in many parts of Melbourne and Victoria. The state government has their own recruitment portal that’s a bit clunky, but there are plenty of jobs popping up everyday.
She has a graduate diploma in early childhood education. That makes her qualified to be an Early Childhood Teacher and work in a kindergarten. I’m not sure if that extends up to being a Teacher’s Aide
It could be worth a shot depending on what they ask for.
I often see teachers getting called in to fill a role as an assistant or Aides.
If it’s for a one to one child supervision, it might require a different qualification.
I can’t understand that industry at all. It costs parents a fortune (I think it was something like $135/day per kid 10 years ago?) but apparently the whole industry runs on a shoestring. Revenue of $16k/week per room of kids, and apparently that amount is barely scraping by.
I know the front-line workers are seriously underpaid, but someone is making money here.
@Nath @tombruzzo the owners of private childcare centres are making a killing. It’s criminal that the educators don’t get better pay. What they industry needs is some smart career educators who band together and start a chain of centres as cooperatives.
I’ve thought about doing OSHC or holiday program stuff, the pay isn’t too bad but I think it might be too much for me since it’ll make the days extra long.
But yeah, horrible kids and no support is the worst.
From my perspective the pay doesn’t look to great, but then nothing in the childcare space is. This is at a private school as well so you can imagine the sorts of kids she has to deal with.
And she does split shifts, so she’s at work like she works 12 hour days but gets to come home for an extended lunch break
I though the Cassowary was a New Zealand native. Do they have a similar murder bird I’m getting it confused with?
The Moa ? Now extinct. About 2 metres tall.
There’s three species of Cassowary. The Northern Cassowary and the Dwarf Cassowary are native to Papua New Guinea, and the Southern Cassowary is found in Papua New Guinea and Far North Queensland.
The Moa was a massive flightless bird native to New Zealand, like an oversized ostrich without the fancy feathers. Went extinct due to over hunting. There were actually four species of Moa, three were quite small, and then the big, tall one that’s most well known.
Saw one when I was at the Daintree a fair while back. It didn’t try and murder me which I thought was pleasant.
You might be thinking of a Moa? Of the ones that still exist a Kea isn’t dangerous to humans but certainly is to cars, gutters, etc like cockatoos are
Good morning starshine
The Earth says helloooooo
Good morning moonlight
Gibson’s first night at my place
Omg her lil head poking up!! 🥹😭
How precious.
what a little sweetheart ❤️
Methinks I’ve made a tactical mistake of doing my laundry so late in the day.
No more sun where I need it though it’s still warm outside.
It’ll be dry by 7am tomorrow even with the nighttime dew.
I’ll leave it out tonight. Hopefully dry before I leave for work, might leave it until I come home tomorrow.
Had my first therapy session in a long time, yesterday. I’m feeling much more hopeful, as the psychologist and I seem to click really well. It has messed me up emotionally, however, so I’m having popcorn and pop tarts for dinner. Too hot to cook.
TAFE starts again next week, I’m looking forward to getting back into it. It’s a fantastic campus and course. These past few months have been so detrimental to my mental health.
My partner has an interview next week as well!! I’m so proud of him!
Oh, here's the cat tax
I had to stifle my laugh, dat stank leg 😂😂
hugs , glad everything is looking positive and up for all the Spud fam. 😘
It’s so good to see you back.
I hope you’re doing well.
The most important thing to know is what flavour pop tarts, that will determine everything.
Also Mickey!
But my favourite is chocolate haha
Glad going back went well for you! I am definitely due back, so reluctant to face my many issues but I need to. I’m booking in to get a new MHCP over the weekend.
Also Mickey ❤️
That was the hard part, actually getting a new mhcp. I have such massive anxiety around making appointments that I just… Don’t. Lol.
But it’s definitely worth it! I believe in youuu! 💜💜
Even tho I have been pretty tired today I managed to get my desk ready again for a new year of study and art practice and projects. 😊
Tonight’s wave:
So many doggos there tonight I had to fight hard to protect my sunset chicken sammich.
there is a new Meep , I love Meep.
This is for Transformers fans
That is awesome!!!
Aunty is trying to get me involved again and I’m getting annoyed.
Stay strong! It really isn’t your hassle when push comes to shove. Sounds like Aunty is running out of stalking horses and might (shock! horror!) have to do the insisting herself. Which will probably be good for her soul if not her temper. Is she the executor? Or has she taken this work onto herself without authority?
She’s the executor.
Im supposed to be “the nice one” in the family as she calls it but it’s only because I didn’t take legal action against her or accuse or of anything even if I have my suspicions.
Executors have rather strict obligations, which is why the task can be turned down. Aunty might be digging herself a very big hole.
It’s a little messy because some of the other family members are suss on the Aunty stealing or keeping funds to herself from there sale of my grandma’s house as she had power of attorney for my grandmother, the worst person possible.
I think she tried to pocket rent from a property my grandma had and has had to return there money to the trust fund as she wasn’t entitled to the rent as the property did not belong or pass to my Aunty or her family yet.
So it’s led to some family wanting proof of finances and also them reviewing to making sure everything was returned and not pocketed to my Aunty unlawfully.
Hmm yeah. My sister did a few things she wasn’t strictly allowed to do, but I totally approve of. Once the accounts get locked it can get tricky to pay for non optional shit.
Hrmm. This is a difficult one to navigate. Probably best to keep your distance as you have been. Wishing you much patience. Keep your temper no matter what is probably for the best.