You gotta rub the wart with the cut side of half an onion, then bury the onion at a crossroads. As the onion decays, so does the wart. The cross roads is so the wart doesn’t know which way you went and can’t find you again.
Srsly, though. Warts are caused by a virus. Next time you go to your doctor discuss anti-viral drugs with them. You might be too young to be eligible for free ones, as the drugs are scarce. Still, if the warts are proliferating, that might be enough for the doc to prescribe.
EDIT : ooops meant to respond to our StudSpud but clicked the wrong comment - apologies.
I know about the virus. If they crop up again after this treatment I’ll chat to my Dr about it for sure. There’s only three atm, one big one and two small developing ones. They haven’t been this prolific since I was a kid tbh.
I’m not overly fussed, they’re on my toes so it isn’t embarrassing (not that anyone should be embarrassed of course)!
You gotta rub the wart with the cut side of half an onion, then bury the onion at a crossroads. As the onion decays, so does the wart. The cross roads is so the wart doesn’t know which way you went and can’t find you again.
Srsly, though. Warts are caused by a virus. Next time you go to your doctor discuss anti-viral drugs with them. You might be too young to be eligible for free ones, as the drugs are scarce. Still, if the warts are proliferating, that might be enough for the doc to prescribe.
EDIT : ooops meant to respond to our StudSpud but clicked the wrong comment - apologies.
I know about the virus. If they crop up again after this treatment I’ll chat to my Dr about it for sure. There’s only three atm, one big one and two small developing ones. They haven’t been this prolific since I was a kid tbh.
I’m not overly fussed, they’re on my toes so it isn’t embarrassing (not that anyone should be embarrassed of course)!