More alcohol than I planned, but a good night
Cheers AJ 🍺
Haha! My LJ just turned 18. Not logging to those evil Terms of Service you bigoted fuckers.
What’s an LJ?
If you don’t know, you can’t afford it
When I saw LJ I thought Torana but the rest didn’t make sense. Curiosity then came upon me.
Lo these many years ago, there was Livejournal
And it was Good. Until it wasn’t. And everybody fucked off to Dreamwidth for about 2 minutes.
Oh. Was it a public or a private thing? I’ve never heard of this.
By default public, but you could “friends-lock” things- either individual entries or the entire blog- to limit it to a selected audience
People varied in how public they wanted it to be. Mine was very private.
My cat had her annual check up today. I’ve had her for just on a year now. She has taken a long time to warm up and relax. Unfortunately today I think she lost a bit of trust in me. She saw the cage and just knew what was coming. It was an experience getting her in the cage.
And the hisses she gave the vet during a clip of her nails were impressive! This was after the vaccination and general checkup of spine, joints, eyes, ears and belly so I guess she just had had enough. Totally understand.
So after some alone time she will now come to me for scritches but not close enough where I could pick her up. And her side eye game is impressive.
Ah well… Three steps forward; 1 step back. I’ll take it.
This is Mavis.
Mavis is beautiful! Time for some Trauma Treats. Churu and temptations stat!
I have cats that were literally born into my hands do the same thing, let her be pissed. She’ll get over it
Good girl Mavis. You’re lovely
You’re very cute Mavis ❤️
Mavis is gorgeous ⚫️⚫️⚫️
Mavis has seen Things. Poor voidling 🖤
Hi Mavis, you are brave and beautiful. 😘
People often ridiculed me for having so much tape… They could well be wrong.
The boardies will live on I have high hopes for this. You can’t have 4 different tapes and just give up on sunset swims.
Let’s hope the tape holds up and your ball bags don’t get snagged on something in the ocean. 🙏
don’t you have a stapler?
Creative store plug for somebody who is rather awesome. For all your Footscrazy needs 😺
So wild how hot it’s been these past few weeks, that now it’s under 30c I need to wear a hoodie 😆
Utilising the utmost of self control to not watch today’s episode of Severence until after I get back from dinner out with some friends/work contacts this evening.
Because if I watched it earlier I’d just be thinking about the episode all evening.
I’ll be watching it tonight hopefully!
Ok fuck it. Everyone is talking about. Time to hit the torrents lol
Do tell me how it goes. I am equally as intrigued.
Done deal!
It’s a very interesting show.
I went into it knowing nothing about it and the mystery and intrigue kicked in after a couple of episodes and I couldn’t put it down so I binged all of it.
Now the weekly torture of waiting for the next episode.
eco247 bog roll arrived…I have vastly underestimated how much 48 rolls of toilet paper is.
Well, we’re set for the rest of the year…
The boxes make great cat cubby houses. Just saying.
We have one petcircle box upright with the bottom unfolded in another one. Cats freaking love it, it’s their pirate ship
Got the Chanel 10 news on in the background, don’t normally watch it. Seems the newsreader is slurring her words? Does she always do this or is she having an episode? Bit jarring to listen to.
She got on the Friday beers early lol
Lovely Ann Sanders (C7) sounds breathy these days. Like she’s gasping for breath after every sentence.
Asthma? Bad air-con?
Stuff it, going to the pub
Unclogging a slow draining bathroom sink was fun… I have no idea how it got so clogged when I don’t even brush my hair at the sink anymore for this reason. I got most out but not all so I might send down some drain cleaner tonight. Maybe. It’s draining fast now.
Try a whole bottle of el cheapo dishwashing liquid first. If you have a plunger, that really helps dislodge clogs after dousing with dishwashing liquid. Learned this from a plumber - first choice for unclogging is dishwashing liquid. After that, you go for the commercial drain cleaner if still needed.
Yeah, I was going to use the dish soap but the plunger and the bristly stick got a lot out.
There was a lot of physical matter like hair and lint and cat fur which is why I thought to use something to break it down.
Actually I still might hit it with the dishwashing liquid since there’s a bottle in there. Maybe anything further down might slide along down the pipes
That’s the idea.
I’ve ensoapened it so hopefully it’s running nicely
give it a bit to soak, then plunge the crap outta it to agitate and break up everything, then hit it with hot water
I’m always unclogging the bathroom sink and will try this next time. Usually just use the plunger and an old toothbrush… yuck
I’m also told that zip ties are good for dislodging clogs. Haven’t tried this, but it sounds sensible.
You can buy these long wires for cheap at bunnings. Similar to the old coat hanger trick except these have Velcro on bottom. The trick is not to vomit while pulling something out that looks like a mouse.
I used a bendy bristle drain snake, a plunger, the snapped off pick from a floss pick and a crochet hook.
It worked well and is draining fast but I couldn’t get quite everything
Got home in 23 mins compared to my morning drive which was almost 10.
Some really stupid drivers out there.
One was changing lanes without signalling and then there was a new one.
Someone signalling to change lanes but went in the opposite lane to what they were indicating. That one was particularly dangerous.
Anyway survived the drive home.
Time for a relaxing weekend :)
Yup yup. Relaxing already!
It’s such lovely cool weather the next few days I might go on a train trip to Ballarat tomorrow. 😊
body rant about warts lol
Gosh I hate warts. I get them very infrequently. As a kid they were on my elbows, but when I fell down the tyre tube tunnel I scraped them off on the way down and they never appeared there again. 2021-ish I had one on the side of my thumb, that I got rid of with the chemist bought salicylic acid.
Last few months there has been one on my big toe. I haven’t bothered with it because it wasn’t in the way or annoying. But I noticed the toe next to it developing them too. So I just acid-ed them again. So so annoying.
I got rid of a wart on my finger by rubbing milk thistle sap into it every day (had heaps in the back yard). Took time but it worked and it never came back. The milk thistle sap takes a layer off every time you apply.
I have heard that. Also banana peel. Also duct tape.
Ooo next time I might try that! Not sure where I’d find them but it’s worth having a wander around to see if I can spot any!
Thank you!! 💜💜
so getting a dead cat in a sack , going to a graveyard and then throwing the sack while saying, wart follow cat and cat follow ghost and devil take ghost, that doesn’t work?
Can I substitute the cat for a dead rat instead? 😂
You gotta rub the wart with the cut side of half an onion, then bury the onion at a crossroads. As the onion decays, so does the wart. The cross roads is so the wart doesn’t know which way you went and can’t find you again.
Srsly, though. Warts are caused by a virus. Next time you go to your doctor discuss anti-viral drugs with them. You might be too young to be eligible for free ones, as the drugs are scarce. Still, if the warts are proliferating, that might be enough for the doc to prescribe.EDIT : ooops meant to respond to our StudSpud but clicked the wrong comment - apologies.
I know about the virus. If they crop up again after this treatment I’ll chat to my Dr about it for sure. There’s only three atm, one big one and two small developing ones. They haven’t been this prolific since I was a kid tbh.
I’m not overly fussed, they’re on my toes so it isn’t embarrassing (not that anyone should be embarrassed of course)!
There’s also soaking wart in baby urine.
I would get some warts as a kid, I always used the things that freeze it off, worked a treat!
Funnily, the ones I had on my elbows as a kid (prep or grade 1) didn’t respond to freezing (dry ice). They’d just come back! It was only when I fell down that tyre tunnel and scraped the crap out them did they not return 😂 mum was pissed, she’d taken me to the Dr like three times for treatment prior 😂
A doctor once told me that after a treatment put a band aid on it and it will lessen the amount of treatments needed. So I did it and I swear it worked.
Oh yeah it’s to stop it getting air. I actually soaked small cotton balls in acetone (nail polish remover), put that on the warts and then a bandaid, but it didn’t do much. So I caved and got more salicylic acid today. I used nail varnish to protect the normal skin around it, and then the acid on the warts. It’s worked in the past, so I’m confident it will be enough :). But the Dr is right! A bandaid after or with treatment is always best! A non-breathable one is better too, to again, stop the wart from getting air.
Maybe my body is telling me to embrace my inner witch 😂
Who are the witches? Where do they come from? Maybe your best friend’s grandmother was one. Witches were wise, wise women they say. There’s a little witch in every woman today. Though I have to admit I don’t much care for the Bonnie Lockhart version of this song.
My mum straight up told me it ran in our family and not to mess with it.
I dunno. There have been a few odd things despite me being a bit skeptical but she was probably right about leaving it alone
I wouldn’t be surprised if my opas mum was one 😂 good ol’ German witch genes
There’s quite a few of us famtrad witches about. Not to be confused with the candles/crystals/ceremonies posers. Can be hard to detect, until you do and you wonder why you ever wondered about that person.
My mum is a candle/crystals/Doreen Virtue guidance cards “psychic” (read: schizophrenic 😂). I stay wellllll away from that!
Other than admiring minerals as super pretty! I’m very much a magpie when it comes to minerals!