Got home in 23 mins compared to my morning drive which was almost 10.
Some really stupid drivers out there.
One was changing lanes without signalling and then there was a new one.
Someone signalling to change lanes but went in the opposite lane to what they were indicating. That one was particularly dangerous.
Anyway survived the drive home.
It’s such lovely cool weather the next few days I might go on a train trip to Ballarat tomorrow. 😊
body rant about warts lol
Gosh I hate warts. I get them very infrequently. As a kid they were on my elbows, but when I fell down the tyre tube tunnel I scraped them off on the way down and they never appeared there again. 2021-ish I had one on the side of my thumb, that I got rid of with the chemist bought salicylic acid.
Last few months there has been one on my big toe. I haven’t bothered with it because it wasn’t in the way or annoying. But I noticed the toe next to it developing them too. So I just acid-ed them again. So so annoying.
so getting a dead cat in a sack , going to a graveyard and then throwing the sack while saying, wart follow cat and cat follow ghost and devil take ghost, that doesn’t work?
You gotta rub the wart with the cut side of half an onion, then bury the onion at a crossroads. As the onion decays, so does the wart. The cross roads is so the wart doesn’t know which way you went and can’t find you again.
Srsly, though. Warts are caused by a virus. Next time you go to your doctor discuss anti-viral drugs with them. You might be too young to be eligible for free ones, as the drugs are scarce. Still, if the warts are proliferating, that might be enough for the doc to prescribe.EDIT : ooops meant to respond to our StudSpud but clicked the wrong comment - apologies.
I know about the virus. If they crop up again after this treatment I’ll chat to my Dr about it for sure. There’s only three atm, one big one and two small developing ones. They haven’t been this prolific since I was a kid tbh.
I’m not overly fussed, they’re on my toes so it isn’t embarrassing (not that anyone should be embarrassed of course)!
There’s also soaking wart in baby urine.
Can I substitute the cat for a dead rat instead? 😂
I would get some warts as a kid, I always used the things that freeze it off, worked a treat!
Funnily, the ones I had on my elbows as a kid (prep or grade 1) didn’t respond to freezing (dry ice). They’d just come back! It was only when I fell down that tyre tunnel and scraped the crap out them did they not return 😂 mum was pissed, she’d taken me to the Dr like three times for treatment prior 😂
A doctor once told me that after a treatment put a band aid on it and it will lessen the amount of treatments needed. So I did it and I swear it worked.
Oh yeah it’s to stop it getting air. I actually soaked small cotton balls in acetone (nail polish remover), put that on the warts and then a bandaid, but it didn’t do much. So I caved and got more salicylic acid today. I used nail varnish to protect the normal skin around it, and then the acid on the warts. It’s worked in the past, so I’m confident it will be enough :). But the Dr is right! A bandaid after or with treatment is always best! A non-breathable one is better too, to again, stop the wart from getting air.
Maybe my body is telling me to embrace my inner witch 😂
Who are the witches? Where do they come from? Maybe your best friend’s grandmother was one. Witches were wise, wise women they say. There’s a little witch in every woman today. Though I have to admit I don’t much care for the Bonnie Lockhart version of this song.
I wouldn’t be surprised if my opas mum was one 😂 good ol’ German witch genes
There’s quite a few of us famtrad witches about. Not to be confused with the candles/crystals/ceremonies posers. Can be hard to detect, until you do and you wonder why you ever wondered about that person.
Another 2 resignations today.
And so it goes.
How many left standing?
Cheers munchkins 🍺
Saluti 🍺
Cheeeeers! ETA to bottleo is 18 minutes 🥵
Cheers :)
Sahtain 🍺
Gettin there, gettin there…
Tap for spoiler
Tap for spoiler
Looking goood. Nothing like a naughty root.
2 interviews next week. One in person and one virtual.
Keeping the wheels rolling along.
Zucchini is a really underrated vegetable. So fast to cook, so versatile, so flavoursome. And pretty. Just straight up sliced and sauteed in olive oil with some onions and oregano = 👌🏽
I acknowledge the reality is completely different when you’re drowning in a glut of garden zucchini.
you can also pickle it a treat. Comes out a bit sweeter than cucumber, delicious in burgers
I think one of the most delicious things I’ve tasted was after straining a heap of them in bulk for zucchini slice. Just drank it as is.
Also tempura zuccs get a solid nod from me.
Who’s underrating the zucchini? Gimme names. Best veg out there.
Potato laughs at you
Pfft. Potato’s still cooking man.
Me. They taste of nothing and mush. Except for the yellow ones raw in salad.
Mine aren’t giving a glut :( I think the pots are too small, weather too hot and not enough fertiliser
Can somebody Adult for me today? Dooonwanna!
Wake up, get out of bed, have your breakfast!
Oh, that bit is ok. How about get documents certified and deal with utility companies?
I can take that off your plate no worries.
Oh that’s too adult for me. Sorry!
Dang. Where did I leave those pants…
oops! Took too much of a lunch break.
1 hour and 20 mins before I can knock off, come on!
I just finished watching Apple Cider Vinegar. The story about con artist Belle Gibson on Netflix. The storyline was so higgledy-piggledy but wow. 4/5 hobbits.
ok, thanks for review, I’ll watch it 👍
Beep Beep 🚚
🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋Something noodly please
Greetings from the most beautiful place in Victoria: tidal river. Ignore the bins the site selection was limited.
Clearly you’re segued into holiday mode
I should get down there one of these days see what the fuss is about
My favourite place in the whole wide world!
I require lunch
Thank you chef. A fine selection
Client with 100+ day overdue invoice finally paid me. Chasing him to pay was a pain in the ass but we finally got there. The ugly side of my business venture - getting slimy people to pay me. Soon I’ll be able to take upfront payments and this person will need to pay everything upfront for future services. Burn me once, you don’t get a second chance.
Now one more person with 100 day overdue invoice to pay me, also a slimy person. I’ve been lucky that most people I do work for actually respect and value what I do and pay me on time. I hate being a debt collector.
If it makes you feel better I’ve been chasing a client here that owes the company $350k for 7 months.
They finally agreed to pay $65k this week lol
I sometimes resent a little the disparity between what the clients pay for my services vs. my salary. Without exaggeration, I take home a little under 50% of what the client pays.
But at least I spent 0% of my time wondering about this. Plus I get paid leave (sick/holiday etc). I know my employer is still making a hefty profit, but I’m not sure I’d want to go the pure consulting route. Stories like this put me off. I would hurt my family if I had to routinely deal with chasing up the money.
In my industry the norm is a salary which is around 1/3 of the fees you’ve brought into the business, so near 50% is pretty good!
I’ve been lucky to not encounter this issue too much yet. Some people are slower than the 14 days I ask for invoices to be paid but it’s like an extra week or two, not several months.
The monthly revenue of the clients i manage is close to $400k. It stings when we don’t get bonuses when my co-worker and I bring in 6 figure projects and don’t get a bonus.
It’s an unpleasant aspect.
I had chase up invoices once in an industry where it’s easy to fall behind. Never forget calling someone who was visiting their wife in hospital. (I know that some people lie, but it was pretty evident in his voice.)
I don’t know how people do it for a living.
As someone who used to do debt collection, one turns off their brain. Otherwise the emotional burnout will kill ya lol
many years ago when my husband was doing freelance IT consulting he’d get stiffed all the time
ended up putting in time bombs in code so that if he didn’t get paid it would shut down the program until he gave them the pass word. It was illegal but so is employing consultants in bad faith.
Working as a freelancer for a while made me realise just how often people consider accumulating accounts owed as legitimate cash flow management strategy. If they want extended payment terms we can talk about it, but waiting until the owed party gets angry enough to finally cough up is a cunt move.