Quick question mostly for @phiresky:
Are you targeting post tags for 1.0 or for later?Thx for the work.
This is epic. I really hope Laurence can find some time to make Sync for Lemmy support it.
Congratulations. By the way, was this version 0.20.0 previously?
Yes we renamed it.
CORS is broken on voyager.lemmy.ml. Can you please fix it?
K I think it should be fixed now.
Awesome works!
Only thing I’ve noticed so far is the old v3 profile API response doesn’t have posts/comments attached
Yep I think we note that in the breaking changes post. We only serve the combined responses now.
Will there be an overlap period where both APIs function?
Yes the current api v3 is also available in 1.0 alpha
A lot of these should not be called breaking changes. A new API is not a breaking change if the old API remains.
Yeah but those changes break clients as soon as they turn down the old API.
Indeed, dropping the old API would be the breaking change.
Rich Hickey did a fantastic talk on versioning, breaking changes, and dependencies.
1.0 would be the perfect time to have the code, bug tracker, etc. migrated off of Microsoft GitHub
I know the knee jerk reasons of course.
However, GitHub is a fantastic ecosystem for an application to thrive. Contributions on other platforms are greatly reduced.
Then again, the actual Lemmy development is a bit of a mess.
Once it gains critical mass of engaged developers, that’s a good time to migrate off GitHub. Doing it earlier just slows the project down.
It really provides nothing special of note other than network effect (slow UI, nonrobust CI of YAML spaghetti, pull request model is broken, upselling AI shit in the UX, taking users code with that AI & selling it back to users despite it being our code in the commons, taking cuts from sponsors, etc.), but you can’t shift that without setting a good example—& getting folks to cross out of that closed, centralized, data sucking ecosystem.
One of the primary reasons for Lemmy’s existence is to get out of Reddit’s walled garden & AI nonsense onto a decentralized platform. Git (& other VCSs) does not have a restriction on centralized nonsense unless you buy into a platform that requires community member give up their data to a US company just to participate. Why would you value one thing for your users then have different values for developers (that are also users)—especially when there are gobs of alternatives? Screw Microsoft on all accounts—historically & presently. There is no reason to treat this like some startup/market thing for engagement when the platform & its core users want a different experience outside of corporate control (but if you must, just make a readonly mirror with issues disabled).
Would lose a lot of visibility. Gotta pick your battles
Visibility to who? Normies? Search engines favoring corpo slop? You could make a readonly mirror if felt it necessary (it isn’t). If you have a modus operandi for you product or service, you would be better off choosing tools that align with those ideals. This instead says collaborator privacy/freedom is not our priority & we don’t actually follow our values.
I ran a large open source project, and when we switched to Gitlab the number of contributors dropped like a rock. Despite linking to our Gitlab repo everywhere, people weren’t finding it on Google or GitHub search, and those who did weren’t interested in creating a second account.
We went from probably getting a new contributor every month to maybe getting a couple a year. It significantly slowed down progress.
just passing by to congratulate you guys on the milestone!
Excited to see the idempotency feature. That will help a lot with double posts from using https://github.com/RikudouSage/LemmySchedule
Idk if it will be useful to more active people like you because you will be able to schedule only up to 10 posts at once: https://github.com/N4Y-docker/lemmy-nightly/commit/9eee61dd06220176fbb97ccbba4a594ea21bb5c6
Good callout. I’m actually admin on this instance so it wouldn’t apply to me by my reading of the code. Lemmy schedule also doesn’t currently use the scheduled posts Lemmy feature, it tracks it separately. Still good to know though, thanks.
Oh, didn’t realise that you were an admin there. haha
I can say I was there when Lemmy 1.0 released!
wow! Huge, just when I am back to the saddle
Oh yes!
Does this mean Lemmy 0.20 is now 1.0? What prompted the change?
Lots of things, but mainly that lemmy is pretty stable, and its been a year since the last breaking changes release.
I was also kind of opposed to a
, and wanted lemmy to be considered alpha/beta level software, because I know when we release av.1.0
, people are going to expect the same enterprise-level and bug-free software from a ~4 person dev team as they do from a multi-million dollar company. Also it gives us less freedom to make breaking changes, which can be restrictive for back-end devs.But now we can just adopt proper semver, and the next breaking changes releases can upgrade the MAJOR version.
On the other hand it gives an indication to client developers that such big breaking changes wont be a regular occurence. So they have a reason to upgrade and then keep using 1.0 long-term. I believe that practically all the needed breaking changes are already implemented, and remaining issues are mostly new feature requests which can be added as new api endpoints or parameters.
are you at a liberty to say what the feature requests you’re looking at are?
What feature requests will be implemented after 1.0? Everything that’s open on the issue tracker really, as soon as someone works on it.
And here I was thinking it would go all the way to 0.99 before getting to 1.0…
Maturity I think. New Lemmy is good enough to make the change.