All I hear about is “boomers” this, “Millennials” that, “Gen Z” that, etc.
Why no one talk about Gen X? What happened to them? They just vanished like in Infinity War? Or are we mistaken Gen Z by Boomers?
All I hear about is “boomers” this, “Millennials” that, “Gen Z” that, etc.
Why no one talk about Gen X? What happened to them? They just vanished like in Infinity War? Or are we mistaken Gen Z by Boomers?
were the hidden generation, hiding in plain sight between 2 larger messes.
the middle child generation.
In other words, you coasted off of the luxuries afforded you by the previous generation and enjoyed selfish, fully funded indulgences themed as rebellion (while understanding that that wealth funding you was always ill gotten and at the expense of exploited and abused minority groups) and then, because you took a generation off, left a fully unmanaged mess festering to inevitably implode the generation after you?
And then today, even with the wisdom of time, you live with the hubris to call that generation, that you passively destroyed, “a mess”. Respectfully, I’m not sure you realize it, you piece of shit, but you’re actually a piece of shit.
Classic Gen X: “It’s not my problem.”
Cool, thanks for all the help guys. No wonder you get called fucking Boomers. You could have appended “other people aren’t my responsibility” and really nailed down why people stopped giving a fuck about a generation that never gave a fuck about themselves or others.
genx took learys ‘turn on, tune in, drop out’ as literal instruction
I know a Gen Xer who really did literally make Dennis Leary a big part of his personality, without anybody (before me) explaining why a song about being an asshole wasn’t supposed to be singing about a hero you should emulate.
Wrong Leary. The devil’s talking about Timothy Leary, in this case.