I’ve got a male sphynx cat that has prepared me for these sorts of mental images.
His name made me laugh.
What would you say to Gollum while he leads you to Mount Doom when his dingus flops out?
Hey bro, nice dick
Nice precious, bro
Bro just woke up and chose violence
What if his dick fall off when he
became a gollumtransitioning?what if it remained alive and became an independent organism
Like a worm, growing into a second Gollun?
just a disgusting sea cucumber-like creature sitting in a pond somewhere, not noticed by anyone and yet palpably making the world a worse place simply by existing.
Oh, you mean Elon Musk back in the nineties?
The real reason Frodo needed to go to Valinor to find peace
You just know there’s a version of the slo-mo fall into the lava that shows the lil’ Smeagol spinning like a helicopter as he goes down.
Stupid sexy Gollum