Wow, so if true this implies that in the Democratic party even the women running for president has to do what the big man says. Hope this is false.
Hillary was going to continue Obamas policies, more or less. its purely sexism why both female candidates never won, sprinkled a little racism.
Or else what? Withdraw the nomination? (You can’t withdraw a nomination lol)
Harris chose this
Cut off funding, maybe. They would have guaranteed a loss with that maneuver thoug.
Even this seems far fetched. Why would they risk something like that in an election that had so much hanging on it.
Oh? Pulling a “Republican”? My wife made me do it? Wasn’t my fault? Attempting to distance herself so she can make a run for office again.
Yeah, seriously. She’s an adult. She could have just said “Thanks Joe, now go away.” What could he have done? Fired her?
If anyone wants some good rage material, watch the Pod Save America interview with Harris staffers
She was elected, not appointed. She could say and do what she wanted and theres not much Biden could have done about it.
Who elected her?
I did, when I voted for Joe Biden, as did the rest of us.
You voted for Joe Biden, not for Kamala Harris
I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris with the explicit understanding that should Joe Biden become unable to serve, that duty would fall to Kamala Harris.
I understand how elections actually work. Don’t apply your own ignorance to other people.
She was not elected to the the presidential candidate for 2024, she was anointed by the party without an open primary.
If you can’t have a conversation without resorting to character attacks, that says a lot about your (lack of) character.
By the time Biden dropped out, it was one month to the DNC which would select a candidate. There was no time to run a primary, and they were actively attempting to prevent what happened at the last brokered convention which resulted in utter chaos:
Yes there was still time to run a primary.
Besides, Biden should have dropped from the race many months prior, or better yet not run again at all as he promised during his 2020 campaign.
Harris and other DNC members shouldn’t have tried to gaslight us about Biden’s health during all that time; they really took us for a bunch of idiots, which most certainly didn’t help their case.
She is her own person and has to live with the consequences of her choices like everybody else. It’s all in the past now and just a footnote in history.
I am wondering if the mods of and regret censoring the people who rightfully said these thing and it was cost us the election. Like there’s mods in here who go “yeah that sucks, I knew it.” but also just defended Biden/Harris and removed good faith users who posted citations that even their beloved Media Bias Bot said was a good source.
They did it, banned the people who said it, and then people went “where are all those critics now? i guess putin turned them off! hurr hurr haw haw!”
Genuinely wonder if they question their choices of just doing this for free with literally zero benefit to the website and the country as a whole.
Genuinely wonder if they question their choices of just doing this for free with literally zero benefit to their website and the country as a whole.
No, they dig their head in the sand and continue to play stupid. If they ever actually acknowledged reality they’d feel bad, so that’s not gonna happen
Just posting to remind/inform new users there’s been repeated drama with .world policies and mod/admin team in that past. It caused a lot of people to spread to smaller, more varied instances. Which is actually a good thing.
I just started and still don’t understand this lemmy. I thought one of the perks was being able to interact on any server despite which one holds your account.
The way it works is communities are hosted on the instances and when moderators do things in communities that makes people mad those people can only go to that community’s instance administrators.
And then people get really angry at instance operators and admins with differing policies and rules about content and moderation.
So those conflicts can and do drive some culture wars. (Ex: Blahaj has little tolerance for gatekeepers, .ml has no patience for american liberal politics, .world is particular about zionism, and so on.)
But otherwise except for instances that defederate from each other the perk is absolutely that instances don’t really matter for registering and posting as a user.
At most just check the instance rules before posting and you’ll probably be just fine on Lemmy.
Yeah that’s true more or less. Some instances block others for ideological or technical reasons. Sometimes posts/comments take time to propagate across the network. But in general yeah you can see everything on all the other instances regardless where your home account is. You could even spin up your own instance and see everything, all the back-end traffic and raw data, if you wanted.
That’s really interesting. Are the people/entities who own individual servers (or even certain servers) known to the general public? I love the idea of social media not being centralized in the hands of billionaires, but I worry about trusting all of the same information to someone whose identity I don’t know at all. Flip a coin, they’re probably Russian or Chinese.
Basically I’m just asking about how/why we trust the owners of these servers. I still have a lot to learn about this technology.
Most of them are pretty visible and interact in their communities and I’m sure their contact info would be relatively easy to find.
But yeah I don’t think there are any rules demanding they be public and you definitely should not trust them by default. They’re people just like anyone else and can have their own agendas and ulterior motives.
Honestly this behavior is going to keep getting highlighted from Biden because he was an absolute stubborn idiot. He had polling showing him losing to Trump with over 400 electoral votes for MONTHS before dropping out. He blamed his family for staying in as long as he did, obviously it was him or what was left of him.
He blamed his family for staying in as long as he did
Real ted cruz moment, that.
History will not look kindly on Biden for fucking over his one job of stopping Trump. Didn’t arrest him, didn’t defeat him, didn’t stop most of the Jan 6 protestors, didn’t go after the enablers of his actions, didn’t really stop anything Trump did to avoid debt and jail and we ended up with him for Round 2, Even Worse This Time.
Look at democrats now. Still doing absolutely nothing. Even if they won they still wouldn’t have stopped Trump or Musk. They’d probably just stand aside if there was another Jan 6.
100% agreement. He should have arrested Agent Krasnov and his henchmen on the first day of his presidency, and detained them in isolation without bail or access to the media, until their trials were resolved. If he had done that, Krasnov and his Gang would be in prison right now, instead of the White House.
Instead Biden appointed a weakass Republican as his AG who gave him a 2 year head start to run out the clock.
The Dems had the perfect chance to defend our country from the MAGA scourge, but they totally abdicated their responsibility. It will be 100 times harder to take it back now, and I don’t see it happening without violence.
WDYM “let”? What was he gonna do? Sniff her?
He probably said something vague about decorum.
If you run into Biden can you let him know I decorumed his mom last night.
His legacy is in the toilet so congratulations advisors.
I feel like blaming her loss on others takes away her agency. Seems sexist to me. We dont reassign blame like this with male failed candidates, but with Hillary and Harris everyone wants to paint them as purely victims.
I blame her loss on her being a bad candidate who wouldn’t push popular positions. Harris was a week candidate from the start. She dropped out of the primary in 2020 with only 3% support and then got the VP nom.
They were both extremely bad candidates who should not have been in a position to run. If the party had been allowed to speak they would not have been allowed to run.
They weren’t really candidates that failed on their own merits, they were set up to fail by being put into a position they should never have been in.
Neither Hillary nor Kamala could have won a primary that wasn’t rigged in their favor. Since they didn’t get to their position as candidate based on their own merits, it’s reasonable to describe their failure in similar terms.
That said, there is such a thing as more than 100% blame, and this is a situation where A lot of people have a lot of blame. Those two women are 100% responsible for the stupid decisions they made. No one can take that failure away from them, but because of the nature of the mistake, there were a lot more people who should also be blamed and similarly excommunicated from politics.
There are elements of sexism here, but that’s just endemic to politics. They didn’t fail because of sexism, they got to where they were because of it and were set up to fail by it, but there are a lot of problems here beyond and before sexism.
Sounds like an excuse. She could’ve had a different stance but didn’t. Because she’s the same thing. She was asked point blank how she’s any different than Biden and she couldn’t answer.
Harris couldn’t answer basic policy questions when she was running for president in 2020 either.
Dude, that’s just not true. Did you even try to look into her policy positions?
sure did. Ever heard her speak?
Nonsense. In 2020, she was one of the few that was supporting universal health care, for one thing. Unfortunately, she somehow decided, or was pressured, to stick with Biden’s platform in 2024 instead of her own, more progressive, platform.
She was one of the least popular candidates in the 2020 primary.
She raised her hand to that question in the debates and then mere days later walked it back and said she’d misunderstood the question.
she’s setting up for 2028. assuming we have elections
After an L like this, I don’t think Harris makes it to the 2nd primary debate
Harris always sucked. She’s a former cop that hurt minorities.
Suddenly her campaign choices make a lot more sense…
It’s ridiculous to think that Harris couldn’t have done what she wanted. Once you’re named the nominee, that’s it. They’re not going to back out.
The problem was her campaign was largely run by Biden’s people. He clearly was interfering with her campaign and she kept trying to make the most of it.
Did she ever say that publicly? No. So she did not make the most of it.
If she was unwilling to break from him because of his wishes, even if she was theoretically able, that speaks volumes about her as a leader.
If she runs again, we lose again.
IF there is another election, HitlerPig will get 98% of the vote, and he’ll use his “popularity” with the American voters to justify defying the Constitutional prohibition against a 3rd term.
Elections are run at the state level, so they won’t be that interfered with.
Not that it will matter; rigging the states with Republican state governments is more than enough
There are plenty of treasonous Republicans at the state level, managing elections. They were very active over the last four years getting MAGATraitors into influential election positions. Rolling Stone had a landmark article last year identifying hundreds of MAGATraitors in important election positions around the country.
Besides, between Muskrat, Russia, and China, and probably more, they have the best hackers on the planet to manipulate the process.
Oh I’m with you on the big IF. Hell, I’ll be surprised if we even have legitimate mid-terms.
He will do anything to preserve his slim Congressional majorities. They give him credibility, even though he is legislating through Executive Orders anyway.
I expect that he will find an excuse to impose Martial Law and suspend elections until peace is restored.
OTOH, if he allows elections to happen, it’s because he is confident that their cheating strategies will win, and we’ll even see strong blue districts flip.
They will use polls reflecting current voter anger at weakling Democrats to justify the obviously fraudulent results.
I mean, that was the line from centrists anytime someone wanted any hope from harris that she might be less of a lapdog for netanyahu than biden was.
The way democrats talk: “We’re turning the page and letting the daylight in!”
The way democrats act with a majority: “We couldn’t get any daylight this time, but we did pass these bipartisan flashlights which are known to explode occasionally due to republicans demanding amendments be added to the batteries.”
“We’ve also means tested the flashlights, so those who recall the time before the great darkness get less of the flashlights, and anyone who has flashlights that explode will be required to have a daily check of their pupils to ensure they’ve been good at not looking at the daylight.”